7 Suggestions for Improving Student Road Safety Campaigns

Student road safety is a prime concern not only for parents but also for school administrations. Given the fact that road safety is crucial for all, students are particularly prompted to be aware of road safety rules. Along with parents, educators play an imperative role in imparting safety knowledge in kids.

If you are the guardian of a student, here are 7 essential suggestions that can improve student road safety drives. Hence, it is not only substantial that you realize these road safety specifications to teach your wards, but also pave the way for improving them enabling them be rest-assured of the safety of your kids.

  1. Traffic Signs and Their Awareness

You should be aware of the different types of traffic signs that will assist you stay safe while on the move. Below is the rundown of the relevant traffic signs.

Traffic Signs and Symbols

Of course, you will be aware of the striking traffic pole that flashes three bright lights; red, amber and green. Nevertheless, these traffic poles installed at every junction have different meanings according to the color. While traffic signs aid you drive safe and ensure the safety of fellow travelers and walkers, you should also pay attention to certain essential traffic signs.

Check out the signs which indicate a bump head, prohibited zones, no honking areas, hospital and school zones or a one-way indicator. Moreover, only when you follow these traffic signs will you avoid accidents that will result in losing the lives of students. Students, in turn, should be informed regarding the above traffic signs in such a way that they are in line with the approaching road traffic.

Indicators of Directions 

Night time driving is no simpler than a jig. Fading natural light during dusk can become the reason for accidents. It is for this purpose that vehicles come with direction indicators. Given a scenario when there was a school-day celebration and the road chock-a-block with vehicles, students and parents, it is significant that you utilize your directional indicators. On the other hand, these indicators will assist students and parents to be aware of  the vehicle movements and  stay safe.

Hand Signals

Furthermore, gesticulating with hands during driving has its own benefits. While you can steer clear of accidents you can also avoid a number of confusions provided you have awareness of what a particular hand signal means. Here are certain basic hand signals that can ensure the safety of students on the move.

If you are swinging your right hand up and down with your palm facing down, you are asking for the driver behind you to slow down. However, if you wish to stop your vehicle after noticing a student crossing the road, you can raise your forearm vertically. In case the driver behind you attempts to overtake you, you can swing your right arm back and forth in a semicircular motion.

Road Lanes

When you are at the wheel, you should always stay on the left side of the road. However, when you are switching lanes, you can apply both the hand signals and direction indicators for informing the approaching group of students when to cross the road. Additionally, it comes as a wise move to evade regular lane changing.

  1. Check on Speed

Over-speeding is one of the major reasons for road accidents. If the students should be steered clear of all such instances, it is the duty of the concerned authorities to set permissible vehicle speed limits. These tabs on vehicular speed will not only assist you exercise enhanced control over the traffic, but will also ensure the safety of students on the road.

It is the age of the automated devices, which enables you to track the speed of vehicles. Speed check radars are the mechanized devices that ensure the safety of students in high traffic areas.  If such devices are installed, you can penalize erring drivers who have crossed the specified speed limit with fines and enable them to realize the safety of students.

  1. The Mandatory Usage of Safety Gear

All in an attempt to ensure the road safety of students, seat belts come in as safety mechanisms for four wheelers. In the event a student is riding a two-wheeler, it is necessary that he/she steps out of the home with a helmet on. Helmets are safety gears that protect students from head injuries which might either lead them to a life of a vegetable or to face death in extreme cases.

  1. Timely Maintenance of Your Vehicle

A stitch in time saves nine. This is a famous maxim that reiterates the significance of regular maintenance of student vehicles. In an attempt to offer road safety to students, you as guardians should always ensure that the vehicle your ward is riding is in top condition. Be it the petrol/ diesel indicator, the speedometer or the presence of bald tires. If you can monitor the timely maintenance of your child’s vehicle, you can ensure his safety at all times.

  1. Usage of Hoardings

Another innovative yet highly effective suggestion to impart road safety suggestions is through hoardings. Huge hoardings with pictures catch the attention of all those who aren’t much informed regarding road safety. When students regularly view these informative hoardings, they will be informed in regard to the safety measures they need to implement while on the move. This way, students can not only preserve their own lives, but also the lives of pedestrians and fellow travelers on the road.

  1. Being On Time – A Virtue That Guarantees Road Safety

Punctuality comes with its own benefits. Students who are aware of time management can vouch for a gratifying life . They need not rush. Hurry causes worry, leading to accidents. Hence, it is vital to inculcate time management skills amongst students enabling them drive at their own pace and reach their destination in peace.

  1. Pick a Vehicle Designed for Safety

You as guardians of students can become strong advocates of safety when you insist on buying a vehicle that is high on safety standards. The design of the vehicle goes a long way in ensuring that your ward reaches home safe in spite of meeting with an accident. Vehicles which come with inbuilt shock absorbers result in a reduced impact on your ward. Since the crash impact is reduced to a considerable extent, your ward can save himself from such wrathful accidents.

The Last Word

All for the sake of simplifying the lives of students while promising them with road safety mechanisms, the above-mentioned 7 suggestions can improve the current state of affairs. Safety is a function of observation and implementation. Only when you keenly observe and implement corrective actions that you can preserve not only your life, but also the lives of travelers and pedestrians eager to reach their destination.