How Vehicle Maintenance Software Keeps School Buses Healthy

Proper and systemic school bus maintenance with advanced Vehicle Maintenance Software helps school districts to provide safe transportation for school children.

Whether you are managing a fleet of trucks, cars, school buses or any other vehicle, fleet management and maintenance has its own role to play.

Considering the case of a school bus, transportation needs to be safe to avoid any accidents and thus avoid further consequences.

For school districts that own a small or large fleet of buses, vehicle maintenance software will be of great help.

Fleet maintenance is a fresh and improved way of maintaining and managing vehicles. Right tracking and arrangement of data is crucial for the effective operation of a school bus.

Proper maintenance is important to track the fuel usage, tracking vehicle repair date and scheduling preventative maintenance.

With preventive maintenance (PM), regular inspections can be done which improves the condition of those buses and thus safe transportation for students.

According to the Michigan government, for safe transportation key components including expert repair staff, safety inspections as well as vehicle maintenance records system is critical.

Also Read: How Trackschoolbus keeps your school bus fleet running smoothly?

School buses are the key strength in running such an educational institution. Several challenges occur while maintaining these vehicles.

Fleet managers will often be concerned about tracking maintenance, shortage of drivers, fuel costs, and environmental concerns and secure transportation.


On-time maintenance works will help to reduce all unnecessary expenses. Meant to be well-suited for the various needs of fleet management, this software will help incomplete assessment of costs and it keeps track of all aspects of the school bus needs.

Users can also enjoy diverse benefits such as real-time insights for better management, enhanced driver safety, and consistent fleet performance.

Some of the top fleet maintenance software include upkeep, VMax Compass, Husky Intelligence, Fleet Harmony, TATEMS, InfoTrac Fleet, FleetFocus, Contele Fleet Tracking, and sure feet.

Most vehicle maintenance software comes with advanced features to perform diverse functions including

Management of Maintenance Activities

School bus management often records information of driver, buses and daily routes.

With advanced fleet maintenance software, vehicle maintaining staff can focus on repairs as well as preventive maintenance aspect of managing school buses.

You can also manage all sorts of activities such as keeping track of warranty data, work orders, parts management, maintenance schedules, and vehicle lifespan tracking.

Asset Tracking

Management of assets is a critical task of fleet management. From the initial purchase of school buses through its disposal, vehicle maintenance software helps to control every aspect of any vehicle, equipment, and other such assets within your institution.

With this software, users can allocate the order and information for all units and systems and components including assignments of location, repair and maintenance history, warranties of parts, fuel and oil usage, vehicle technical data, machine operating details and performance history.

With this wide array of information, the staff can also take control of the asset.

Fuel Management

Tracking fuel usage is critical to saving costs.

As increased consumption of fuel leads to increased expenses, it is crucial to make your staff be alert to the usage of fuel.

This vehicle maintenance software will provide clear information regarding this such as fuel level, temperature, speed, engine block, route direction, location and more.

The fleet manager would be able to track the details of all the vehicles in real-time and thus get a clear idea about how the vehicles are handled by your drivers.

Check how your vehicle’s fuel usage impacts the operating costs of school transportation. You can also note those high consumption vehicles and allot them accordingly.

GPS Tracking

Most software of this type comes with a GPS tracking facility, which increases the security of your buses.

Also Read: What is GPS?

You can track where your school bus is and through which route this vehicle goes. The data management process will be much easier. You can also get reminders regarding your document’s clearances as well as permits.

Also, consider tracking route optimization and driver’s speed for better maintenance of your fleet.

vehicle maintenance software

GPS fleet tracking feature helps in detecting theft as well as the illegal usage of buses.

Tracking also helps in the recovery of any stolen vehicles. Managers can also keep track of the drivers they have employed.

Cloud-based software is also widely available that helps school bus fleet owners to manage fleet operations in a smooth way. Make sure that you are choosing software that is compatible with your fleet management requirement.

Sex Offenders On School Buses

Sexual offenses are of different types. Rape, child molestation and sexual abuse are the most common. Rapists commit rape, child molesters sexually abuse minors and sexual abuse is forceful sexual contact.


Sex offenders use different modus operandi to lure or abduct their victims. Children are innocent and are unable to comprehend a predator’s actions.

Read Also: How School Bus Drivers Can Protect Special Needs Students From Getting Bullied

Sex offenders can be found on the school buses and off the school buses at bus-stops and near schools.


Sex offenders on school buses

Sex offenders manage to get on the school buses mainly when it has been parked at locations or when the driver leaves the bus unattended for a short while. This happens mostly when the children go out on field trips or school picnics.

sex offenders on school bus

Sex offenders, mainly interested in molesting children, pry open the doors of the bus or simply walk in. They hide behind the bus where the driver’s visibility is low. It is horrifying for all to find an offender amidst a bunch of students.

It is now mandatory that the drivers do a walk-through of the bus while entering or exiting a bus. This ensures that no one has entered and that the seats are empty. He has to do a front- to- back check of the bus before he lets the children in.

In some cases, the sex offender steals a school bus and drives it along the route found in the bus. This happens when the keys are left on the bus. Bus drivers have to take extra care to see that the keys are off the bus and the windows and doors are locked before he leaves the bus.


Sex offenders off school buses

School bus stops are normally decided upon by taking into consideration parental demands as well as traffic regulations. The potential hazard mostly overlooked is the proximity of the bus stops to sex offender’s homes.

sex offenders on school bus

It is dangerous to have children wait unsupervised near homes of habitual offenders with a past history of sexual abuse. Sexual predators stalk and abduct children. Locating stops at such places are causes for trouble.

School districts while charting the routes and fixing stops do not always succeed in steering clear of sex offender proximity. But they do heed to parental concerns and shift the stops as per their request.



A register with the police provide a list of sex offenders in a particular area.  School districts can access them before fixing stops. These lists are available to transportation personnel and the public.

Several states publish data online with details of name, street address and photo and even criminal history of the sex offender.  They are categorized as low, medium and high risk offenders. Medium and high-risk offenders are those who have committed violent crimes or who repeat offenses.

School officials are entitled to view this list. Parents and community members can access this list. It would be advisable to consult all parties concerned before a stop is fixed or moved. This will help in reducing potential danger to the children.

As the parent it would be advisable to do a pre-emptive check on the neighborhood for any sex offenders residing there. All registered offenders do not pose a threat as they may not be involved with children. It would be pertinent to be constantly aware of them and to not instigate a problem with them.

Parents have to chaperone their children to the bus-stop however inconvenient it may be. Chaperoning duties can be shared among parents of children using the same bus stop.

Even if the bus stop is moved from the vicinity of a sex offender he will still be in the neighborhood. Hence it would be wise to escort the child to the bus stop daily to ward off any unwanted situations.

Read Also: How School Bus Drivers Can Help Protect Disabled Children

School districts are to be notified by parents of any danger to their child’s safety. If alerted promptly the bus stops can be moved.

Each school district being different, the policy on sex offenders differ. It is best the parents update themselves and be aware of the policies.

Software used in school bus routing and scheduling have functions that alert the user when the bus stop is close to that of a registered offender. The application treats the student similar to that living on a hazardous road and creates a bus stop in front of the student’s residence.

Educating children, parents and community members about the possible predatory behavior of child molesters is essential. Distributing pamphlets, information, public announcements to parents, students, teachers, school staff, the care givers can create awareness of the potential problems. Persons who are frequently in touch with children should be wary and pay attention to any such individuals.

Educating the young students about the threats they may face from the apparently friendly strangers and known persons is necessary. Children of all ages have to be educated on unnatural behavior in an age-appropriate manner that they can comprehend.



Sexual conduct against a child, predatory sexual assault, stalking a child, using a child in sexual acts, distributing indecent material to children, luring a child, aggravated assault on a child and persistent sexual abuse are crimes of sexual exploitation.

The maximum penalty for these crimes against children is 15 years of imprisonment and the minimum sentence is probation depending on the crime. 

If the sex offender is a driver, they are permanently disqualified or banned for 5 years depending on the severity of the action.

Behavioral aspects

To detect sex offenders who are not registered is not easy. They skillfully manipulate the child, family and community with kindness and charm.  His behavior is attributed to normal adult-child relations. His deviant intentions go unnoticed.

The sex offender gains access to the vulnerable child, gains the child’s trust, and assures the child’s secrecy to avoid disclosure. He will try to isolate the child from the rest.

sex offenders on school bus

Child molesters seek jobs that bring them into contact with children. They come as teachers, bus drivers, coaches or even counselors. In professional capacities the molester has access to the child alone after school hours or on field trips.


The chances of convicted sex offenders repeating an offense cannot be gauged accurately. Professionals dealing with them admit that a good number of them do re-offend. 

Read Also: ​How to Prevent the Threat of School Bus Hijacking

Adult sex offenders are found unlikely to change in behavior even with counseling and help. Experts say that most of the offenders repeat if not given professional help.

No amount of technology can completely protect children from harmful situations. School and parents have to work together to offer protection to the children.

How To Reduce School Zone Traffic Congestion

Traffic congestion at school zones is a safety concern for all due to queuing up of vehicles and poor visibility ahead. It inconveniences parents, students, school authorities, school bus drivers, police, and the residential neighborhood. The number of school-going students being driven to school by private cars has risen considerably in urban areas. The growth in the use of cars by parents to drop off and pick up students sees fewer children walking or biking to school. Unanticipated traffic and a large number of students at the school gates at a time render all arrangements made by schools ineffective to control traffic congestion.

Steps to Reducing School Zone Traffic Congestion

Vehicle congestion at school entrances conflicts with pedestrians and cyclists coming to school. They may not have access to sidewalks. School parking areas may be unorganized. School buses may block the visibility of pedestrians and cyclists. Parents and motorists may display unruly behavior parking in no-zone areas, double parking, speeding or ignoring traffic restrictions.
A study on the movement of the traffic in and around the school would be the first step before rules for traffic reduction are set in place. Knowing the type of roads around, availability of parking spaces, type of vehicles – vans, buses, cars- that use the road, pedestrian safe ways are a necessity to drawing up traffic plans. 1. Education on Alternative Means of Transport: One of the best ways to ease school zone traffic congestion is to reduce the number of vehicles that converge at school gates during opening and closing times. Parents state traffic hazards, time constraints, distance, and bad weather as reasons for transporting their children to school. Parents have to be educated about the alternate modes of transport their child can avail of. They have to be appraised of the role they have in reducing school zone traffic congestion and increasing student safety. This information can be provided through leaflets or PTA newsletters. Parents and students have to be educated on the benefits of walking or cycling to school. The health aspect and the impact on the environment are to be incorporated into the curriculum so that students understand the concept and are encouraged to walk. The school can reward them with a point system. Students can join walking school bus programs where an adult escorts a group of children along a pre-determined route to school. Children living within walking distance of the school can avail of this method which keeps pedestrian safety in mind. The school bus is the best option for students who live further away from school. Studies show that an approximate number of 38 cars are required to transport an average busload of 45 children. Availing school bus services can reduce traffic congestion at school access points as well as on the roads. Car-pooling is another option for students living in close-by locations. 2. Access points The number of entry and exit points in school has to be regulated. Larger the number of these points, greater will be the congestion. Situating these entrances and exits around the school where the road is bigger or accessibility to parking spaces is nearer will reduce the congestion.

Also Read: Top 18 Road Safety Rules to Teach your Students

Students walking or cycling to school have to be provided with separate entrances and exits. This will reduce the risk of accidents and traffic hold-ups around the school. Students should not be allowed to ride their cycles within the school premises. All-access points have to be locked during school hours and opened only when students have to be let in and out. Security guards have to be stationed at all access points. 3. Pick up and Drop off points Pick up and Drop off points Pick up and drop off points have to be designated for cars and buses. A dedicated drop off zone away from the parking area will help in improving traffic flow. The use of alternate routes in and out of school has to be encouraged so that all vehicles do not congregate in one location. School volunteers or staff can escort children from car to school. This will quicken the drop-off process.

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Directing different types of traffic to different locations around the school can help reduction in congestion. Bus pick-up and drop-off are assigned to one area while parents pick and drop in another area. Staff can be provided parking on a different side. 4. Parking Reduce School Zone Traffic Congestion Temporary parking spaces for pick-up and drop-off can be created by using sign-boards for peak hours only. Parking spaces near schools in urban areas can be very limited. Unless the school has a dedicated parking area it is extremely difficult to get parking slots near the school. City councils and district councils may be approached for additional space which might infringe into neighboring areas. Consent of neighbors is essential and hence a plan can be negotiated with them for utilizing the space only during school hours after which it will remain vacant for their use. High school children driving to school have to be given clear instructions and lessons on how to park in the areas assigned to them. 5. Traffic Conditions Reduce School Zone Traffic Congestion The timings of traffic lights in the area can be revised if necessary to suit the school period. This requires coordination with the local traffic authorities and the adjacent residential areas. Re-routing of streets will force drivers to seek alternative routes. ‘No entry’ or ‘One-way’ signs on roads leading to the school can divert traffic away from the school. Road humps can be installed to reduce the speed of vehicles.
Increased police patrolling during peak hours can be of help. Double parking, waiting in no parking zones, parking across driveways and parking too close to pedestrian crossings can be curtailed with patrolling. Doubling of traffic fines for parking offenses and speeding in the school zones are deterrents and reduce congestion. 6. School Timings Start and finish timings for elementary, middle and high school students can be staggered. Though it might prove inconvenient for parents who have children in all sections, the staggering of school timings can reduce traffic to a large extent.

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There is no single solution to traffic management to avoid congestions at schools. Traffic issues differ for each school depending on their size and location. Though the general guidelines can be followed each issue has to be analyzed and dealt with accordingly.

School Bus Transportation Security – 18 Practices to Follow

School buses are considered to be the safest means of transportation for students in every country, mainly because these buses meet federal regulation.

Each country follows its own standards and principles in maintaining safety in school bus transportation. According to the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) standards, school buses should be different in design and must be protected by the law, unlike passenger vehicles.


The administration also recommends compartmentalization as an ideal option for large buses to protect students from crashes.  At the same time, small school buses should come with lap or shoulder belts for all seats, which provide better security.

According to the Roads and Transport Authorities across the globe, school buses

  • should not exceed the maximum speed of 80 km per hour
  • must come with red, yellow and other light indicators system to alert when the bus stops
  • should feature mirrors system that shall show all sides of the bus
  • floor must be covered by combustible, non-slippery rubber
  • must accommodate electronic door opening and closing mechanism under driver’s control
  • should implement a speed control device that adheres to the standards provided by the schools

Based on the standard school bus transportation guidelines followed in different countries, let us discuss 18 best practices that improve student’s safety in school buses.

For Drivers

As school bus accidents are rising, drivers need to be very cautious to prevent such disasters. The irresponsible behavior of the drivers’ is considered to be a key factor that causes such accidents.

1. Make sure that the bus you drive include all sort of safety features including stop arms and flashing lights, cross-view mirrors and emergency exits

2. Also check for stop arms, bus-empty signs, secure seating, first-aid box and fire extinguishers

3. Focus on high crash standards and rollover protection features

4. Check whether the bus is parked in a safe area

5. Pre-trip inspections should also be conducted consistently and thoroughly

6. Follow certain safety procedures that would be helpful to escape from any hazards just like active shooting or hijacking

7. Also let the students know those safety features so that they are sure of their security.

For Parents

Parents are responsible for educating their kids on key basic rules of safety. They must make sure to take the children to the stop at least five minutes early before the scheduled time of the bus. They should –

8. Make the children familiar with their stop and educate children on the importance of traffic safety

9. Teach your kids to stand a few steps away from the road and get into the bus only after it comes to a complete stop

10. Recommend using handrails when they are getting in to and even while getting down from the bus and tell them to fasten seat belts if it’s available

11. Ask them to take the help of the driver in case if anything gets dropped out of the bus and they have to get back them

12. Teach the importance of seat belts in preventing injuries in case of any accident and ask them to go directly to a seat as soon as they get in to the school bus

13. Also train kids to discuss with them or with the school management of any offences committed by the driver or students

For Schools

School authorities can consider implementing certain policies that ensure student transportation safety such as

14. Allowing only authorized drivers and assigned vehicles to enter and leave the school premises

15. Using technology and artificial intelligence options to prevent any hijacking or bus theft

16. Make sure that a staff is strictly present in the bus

17. Provide periodic training for drivers on how to handle students as well as any situation in the bus

18. Emergency evacuation training of a school bus helps students, drivers and support staff to handle any critical situation

Some schools have installed combi-booster rear transmitter device that provides building access cards that are meant to secure the buses as well as the yard.

Once the building access card is inserted into the device, gate will open only if it perfectly matches the combination of bus and driver for that specific time slot to enter or exit the yard.

Schools can also take advantage of advanced software options available to manage tasks such as bus fare collection, unplanned trips, routing and more.

For schools that consider outsourcing their transportation tasks, make sure to choose a company with experience in achieving streamlined transportation operations.

GPS Trackers Help Schools and Parents Track School Bus

High-definition GPS systems are now available that help parents and school administrators to track the correct location of the school bus, in case of any delay or missing.

With real-time details, parents can also enjoy the peace of mind that comes from realizing that their kids are safe. An ideal GPS tracking device can help to

  • know whether a particular student is present on the assigned bus or have  got off the bus
  • track any school bus routes
  • notify any discrepancies that occurred

These GPS tracking apps on mobiles can offer both security and convenience.

Apps along with GPS tracking devices helps parents of all classes and even special education students to get on-time updates of the bus routes – to and from school. They can also be aware of any weather or traffic delays.

Now most buses also feature cameras that help school officials to solve theft or any other mishappenings. Cameras are also helpful in finding other drivers who make any fuss by ignoring these stop signs.

While using cameras in buses, schools should also educate their employees on ways to use the video system perfectly.

Top 9 Electric School Bus Manufactures – TrackSchoolBus

School buses are specifically designed for the role of safe transportation of students to and from school. The design for school buses is based on the safety specifications and regulations stipulated by the authorities.

Hence school buses have evolved into a category different from the normal buses and are built by specific manufacturers.

The current set of stringent rules to reduce environmental pollution and health hazards has led schools into buying buses running on fuels other than diesel. Electric buses are found to be the best alternative to diesel powered vehicles.

Read Also:Top 10 School Bus Companies

Zero emissions reduce environmental pollution. The quiet engines create no noise pollution. There is a large saving on fuel costs. It is expected that by 2030 all schools will have converted their school bus fleet into electric.

Top Electric School Bus Manufacturers

1. Blue Bird Corporation

Blue Bird Corporation is a public company with Cerberus Capital as majority stakeholder operating since 1932 from Georgia. They produce school buses fueled by diesel, gasoline, propane, CNG along with fully electric buses.

Blue Bird was awarded a grant of US $ 4.5 million in 2016 to develop electric school buses. They produced two models – Type C and Type D – and marketed them in 2018. The power-train has been developed by Adomani and EDI.  


The electric buses have a lithium-ion battery of160kwh capacity. The design provides a range of up to 120 miles. Blue Bird offers a seven year warranty on the battery. They also include a charging station that can recharge at a stretch or overnight.

Blue Bird was the first to produce electric school buses in
1994. Over the years, the advances in technology, especially in battery
technology has helped in building more efficient electric buses. 

2. IC Bus

IC Bus is a wholly owned subsidiary of Navistar International Corporation. Founded in 2002 the company has its corporate office in Illinois, assembly factory in Oklahoma and parts fabrication unit in Arkansas.

IC introduced their concept Type C electric school bus
called ChargE. The bus has a quiet drive-train from Volkswagen and produces no
emissions. The ChargE has a range exceeding 120km and the power-train can
deliver up to 260kw. This electric bus is set to launch in late 2019.

3. Thomas Built Buses Inc

Thomas Built Buses Inc is a subsidiary of Daimler Trucks North America LLC, the parent company of Mercedes Benz. Thomas was founded as early as 1916 when it was known as Perley A. Thomas Car Works operates from North Carolina.

Thomas developed ‘Jouley’ a Saf-T-Liner eC2, a Type C electric bus named after joule the unit of energy. This bus has an average range of 100 miles between charging stations.

With additional battery packs, higher ranges can be achieved. It takes 3 hours to recharge a battery capacity of 180kwh.They are powered by batteries from Proterra, a leader in battery management systems for heavy-duty electric vehicles.

Jouley claims zero emissions, exportable power and near-quiet
operations. Students will be able to directly plug into the vehicle portals to
charge their computers, lap tops and phones. Jouley is expected to go into
production in 2019.

4. Collins Bus Corporation

Collins Bus Corporation is a wholly owned subsidiary of REV Group. Founded in 1967 and operating from Kansas.

They have introduced a Motiv Powered Type A electric school
bus in 2018. The buses have a range of 75 miles and a battery capacity of
106kwh. It requires 8 hours to fully charge the battery pack.

Read Also: How Electric School Buses Can Save Millions for School Districts

The new Type A Electric model is in addition to their existing
alternative fuel fleet of school buses powered by propane and CNG.

5. Micro Bird Inc

Micro Bird Inc is a joint venture of Girardin Minibus and Blue Bird. The company is situated in Quebec, Canada. Founded in 1935, Micro Bird introduced a Type A electric powered Micro Bird G5 Electric School Bus in 2017.

With zero-emissions, the G5 offers the cleanest drive-train. The electric bus has no transmission which results in reduced maintenance and service requirements.

6. Starcraft Bus

Starcraft Bus is a division of Forest River Inc., Indiana, and Established in 1997. In 2009, Starcraft in a joint venture with Hino motors (a division of Toyota), developed a prototype of a new Type C vehicle.

But this did not go into production. In 2016, they developed a Type B bus on a Ford chassis to use alternative fuel sources which is presently being manufactured by them.

Forest River, Phoenix Motor cars and Creative Bus Sales have
joined together to develop, build and market electric school buses. Phoenix
Motorcars supplies electric drive-trains to Forest River for school buses built
by them on the Ford chassis. Creative Bus Sales will be the sole representative
for vehicle sales and service.

The electric buses powered by electric drive-train
technology will have a range of130miles on a single charge. They will be
equipped with telematics solutions providing real-time operating information
and remote diagnostic techniques. Starcraft electric buses powered by Phoenix
will be available in 2019.

7. Lion Electric Company

Previously known as Lion Bus, was renamed in 2017 as a focus towards producing electric vehicles. Lion produces Type C buses. They produce diesel fuel buses and also the fully electric school bus ‘eLion’.

Lion uses composite materials instead of steel for the bus
bodies thus minimizing corrosion. Lion manufactures its own chassis, body and
battery packs. This allows them to use the best technology keeping manufacturing
costs low. Thus they offer their best models at most affordable prices.

The eLion C bus is available in ranges of 50, 75 and 100
miles. Battery packs of 130kwh are used. An on-board single-phase charger is
used for charging. The company plans to introduce two more models- eLion A and
eLion M.

8. Trans Tech

A division of Transportation Collaborative Inc. operates from New York from 2007. Trans Tech manufactures Type A, fully electric school bus ‘eTrans’ and SST-e. Trans Tech school buses have the longest running ranges. The eSeries are powered by Motiv Power Systems, California and have been in commercial operation since 2014.

The buses are built on Ford E450 chassis. The power-train control system supplied by Motiv is compatible with a wide variety of batteries and chassis. A single battery from a pack can be changed without replacing all the batteries in the pack.

The SST-e model comes with four or five battery packs providing a running range of up to 100 miles. The on-board fast charging technology enables the battery to attain 50% charge in less than an hour and full capacity in 8 hours. The low cost 3 phase charging eliminates the requirement of expensive charging stations.

9. GreenPower Motor Company

Builds electric vehicles. They are into manufacture of Type D buses from 2007. They operate from Canada with their assembly unit at California. GreenPower Synapse 72, introduced in 2017, is a zero-emission Type D school bus.

 The basic model has a battery capacity of 100kwh which can be raised to 200kwh depending on charging needs of the bus. The on-board charging system is an added feature.

GreenPower sources its components from global suppliers- drive motors from Siemens, axles from ZF, brakes from Knorr and dash control systems from Parker.

Read Also: School Bus Seat Belts – Are They Compulsory?

The limiting factor in considering the use of electric
school buses is the cost of the bus and charging of batteries. With the
continuous improvement and research on battery technology, the prices of
batteries can be bought down and solve the charging issues .Cleaner fuels
contribute to cleaner parts and a longer engine life.

Manufacturers are hoping to work with bus operators, school
authorities, government officials, and utility companies to provide a
comprehensive solution encompassing charging infrastructure, vehicle technology
and financial support.

6 Years Of School Bus Routing Software

School bus routing is an uphill task for all schools. Scheduling and planning of bus routes is the most important factor in increasing the efficiency of the school transportation system.

Proper routing of buses reduces operational costs of the bus fleet, fuel costs, driver expenses. Over and above it makes the job of the school administrator easier.

During the past years, bus routes have been decided and charted out manually by the school transport officers. With the increase of students and the corresponding increase of buses and the numerous pick-up locations, this task had become cumbersome.

Read Also: How TrackSchoolBus System Keeps Your Bus Fleet Running Smoothly

Technological innovations and inventions have made the process of bus routing simpler for everyone concerned.

School Bus Routing Software

EdsysPvt Ltd, an education software developer, launched software solutions for schools, transport providers and school districts. These software solutions have been developed for different applications with characteristics unique to each.


The TrackSchoolBus software was basically developed as a bus routing application. With developments in technology, this software was upgraded to include features to increase the efficiency of the school transport system. This is a look into the 5-year progress of the software.


TrackSchoolBus software was launched by EdysPvt Ltd. in 2014 as an application for tracking school buses. Version 1 was an independent app and was one of a kind for schools during its introduction. The software was widely accepted in the Middle East and South East Asia.

The software was designed to track buses and students in real-time. This proved to be of great help to transport managers and school personnel.

Data was collected automatically and routes were created by the software system.They could view the progress of the buses along the routes, real-time location of students and buses on a computer screen.


An upgraded version of the application was introduced as Version 2.0 in 2015. This application was developed with additional features benefitting parents and schools.

 The new system with an RFID card reader was integrated with the GPS tracker. The RFID card reader was a boon to the school bus drivers, parents and school authorities.

 The student attendance can be recorded automatically by the RFID card reader as each child boarded the bus.

The school administration was benefitted as they could get the details of the students travelling on each route on a daily basis without the tiresome procedure of manual counting.

Parents were benefitted the most as they could get instant alerts on their mobile phones when their child gets on and off the bus.This app helped reduce the anxiety of the parents as they were able to track the whereabouts of their child in real-time.

The application gained wider acceptance in the Middle East and South East Asia.


In 2016, TrackSchoolBus Version 3.0 was released with a multitude of additional features. The major feature was the availability of data for the different users on the web and all mobile phone apps. The customer base expanded to other countries across the globe including South Africa.

Version 3.0 was developed as a comprehensive solution to the various problems encountered in the school transportation systems. It was designed based on knowledge gained from actual experiences of users.

The software supports multiple user profiles such as parents, school authorities, teachers and transport managers. Additional features were added to the parent and school apps. The access to details by teachers and bus attendants was newly introduced.

The parent app allowed parents to apply for leave without actually contacting the school. A message sent on the app is communicated to all departments concerned – drivers and attendants, teachers, school administration. This app allows them to communicate with the school management and drivers whenever necessary.

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The most helpful aspect of the teacher app is the daily attendance marking. Teachers can track the students who travel by each bus. They receive notifications when the student arrives in school. Teachers can mark attendance for each period. The attendance history for a day or a period can be retrieved with ease.

Drivers can view the assigned routes, the number of trips in a day/shift, pick up and drop off points, time schedules. They do not have to remember the details. A trip is marked completed only when all students have alighted from the bus. Quick changing of routes and pick-up points is possible with the driver console app.

It also enables the bus nannies/attendants to access student attendance through a separate app. The manifest feature provides them with daily routes and student details. This app helps to locate the pick- up or drop off point.

The contact detail of the student along with the image of the student appears on the app. They receive alerts when the child gets on and off the bus. They are notified when students are absent so that the route can be revised. Pick up points can also be updated on any change required.


The TrackSchoolBus version 3.5 was released in 2017. This version saw added features which aided School transport providers. Command-centre was introduced as an add-on.

Artificial intelligence was incorporated into the system. Changing route with a simple swipe was included as a feature in route optimization.Alerts can be set up for different aspects of student safety.

The software found new markets in Africa, Australia, South East Asia and the Middle East. Franchisees were appointed in many places like Dubai and Netherlands.

This upgraded version was designed with school transport providers in mind. It collects data of students and pick up points automatically and sets routes.

The software can be used to deploy drivers and attendants on specific routes. The unique feature of nanny management enables in assigning trips, recording attendance etc.  Duty roster feature helps in dividing tasks among the fleet members.

The trip management feature enables transport providers to assign vehicles to trip routes, monitor vehicles in real-time. Auto-routing and auto-optimization features help in saving fuel and reduce vehicle expenses.

The feature of parking management allows the tracking of a vehicle when it is parked. Parking slots can be assigned automatically.

This software provides free Wi-Fi to students on board the buses and unique cards for students, drivers, attendants and vehicles.

The application can be used by accounts departments for direct bus fare collection.   The software can create an invoice and payment can be made from anywhere at all times. Payments will be secure and the process saves time.

The unique command-centre feature gives a comprehensive view of all planning and operational data. A centralized system gathers information, processes and analyses each function.

 Details of vehicle maintenance requirements, expenses and inspection dates can be obtained. This saves time for school transport provider and allows him to concentrate on other areas of importance.


Version 4.0 of the TrackSchoolBus was launched in 2018. Integrating Artificial Intelligence into the application it featured as the best school bus routing software. The additional features in this app catered to School Districts and School Transport Providers.

This App was designed forSchool Transport Managers to manage the fleet with ease and efficiency. Vehicle safety and maintenance alerts, push notifications in cases of emergencies, planning of transportation budget are features incorporated in addition to bus tracking and trip scheduling.

The transport department is alerted when any vehicle cannot be tracked. This helps in immediate identification of the reason-mechanical failure, accidents, traffic blocks- and deployment of another bus to take over the route so that least inconvenience is caused.

The fleet management app helps to keep track of the drivers,bus attendants, routes, trips, time schedules. It takes care of the fleet maintenance – recording fuel consumption, programming vehicle maintenance schedules etc. The optimization of routes brings about a reduction in maintenance costs, thus increasing productivity and efficiency.

The school district transport software simplifies the management of a large number of buses from different transport providers. This app is compatible with all types of vehicles- school van, mini-bus or a full-size bus.

This software analyses the performance of drivers which helps in rating and motivating them to enhance their performance.

Parent concerns, bus breakdowns, student missing etc. are notified to the concerned users enabling action to be taken immediately. Accountability for each user is well-defined.

Read Also: How TrackSchoolBus App Improves Bus Attendant’s Efficiency

Safe and secure bus fare collection is simplified by integrating with online payment.

This app ensures higher efficiency attained through optimized operations. The reduction in manual resources increases the return on investment.


In 2019, TrackSchoolBus’s enhanced version 5.0 was introduced for better efficiency and productivity.

Devices like CalAmp and Streamax, Dahua was integrated into this updated system.

 In new version, we have different dashboards for students, trips, vehicles, alerts and All-in-One Dashboard for the transport manager. 

Users can search and view the status of the vehicle in the map, can view the live status of Shuttle Trips which includes trip progress, seat availability and currently seating student count along with attendance details.  

We have categorized the general setting menu for the convenient use and added a few more setting options for the user in the new version.

Users can create new user roles based on requirements and control access for the user profiles. 

Schools can mark the school premises using school geo-fence. 

Additional features in setting like integrating settings were added, so the school authorities can integrate SMS gateway, Payment Gateway, Cashless system, etc by themselves.

The school can create five types of trips as scheduled, instant, shuttle, excursion, stay back trips. In the earlier version, these are managed separately, now all can manage in a single point

Auto data collection method was enhanced.

Access Rights Management was introduced in which the school can create user roles like receptionist or any other supporting staff to control system access.

 The system can automatically calculate the bus fare based on the geo-fence and payment period.  The school can also have the provision to enter the bus fare charges per single trip as well. 

The new version also allows the school authorities to set the “Night Parking Time” where the system will check the current location of all the vehicles at that time and report to the transport manager.   

The new version allows the schools to purchase features and enable as per their requirement. Since all the schools doesn’t want to use all the features, the schools have the freedom to select the features and add-ons as per their need.     

The parents can decide what notifications need to be received in a push notification, email, SMS(if the school enables SMS option). 

The main advantage of the updated version is that it focused on self-learning thus reducing dependency on us.

We provide a download section for all supporting documents like User guides for each module (including School, transport, manager, parents, driver, etc) and hardware documents, configuration tools, etc.

Each module with supporting documents is readily available in the system to be downloaded. 

The TrackSchoolBus is an outstanding school bus routing software. The features of auto-route optimization and auto-allocation make it the best school bus route planner. The added features of fee collection, fleet management, and multi-user access make it the most widely used bus routing software world-wide.

Why School Bus Drivers Deserve Our Respect

The primary duty of the School Bus Driver is the transportation of students to and from school regularly.  The parents and the school entrust their children to the school bus driver for safe and secure transportation. He has to be committed to his profession in order to work to the satisfaction of all concerned.

A school bus driver’s job is considered an easy, simple task and not considered worthy of mention. The stress and strain undergone by the drivers in the seemingly simple task of transportation are not to be neglected.

Read Also: School Bus Drivers Health Problems And Solutions

They deserve enormous respect for the one single fact that they are the safe transporters of the nations young.

School Bus Driver – Role

The role of a school bus driver is a multi-faceted one. His responsibility is not limited to mere driving. In addition to possessing a valid driver’s license he needs to both possess driving and inter-personal relationship skills.

Driving skills include knowledge of traffic rules and experience in driving heavy vehicles. Ability to stay focused on the road and to remain alert at all times is a necessity for safe driving.


School bus drivers interact with students, parents, teachers, school authorities, transport companies, other drivers on the road on a daily basis.

The driver’s attitude and behavior have a large impact on the relations with each one of them. The expectations from a school bus driver are many and the challenges faced by him from various quarters are even greater.


The school bus driver is expected to be a perfect time-manager.  Sticking to designated routes and being punctual at bus stops and on-time arrival at school is of daily concern to the driver.

A slight deviation in timings caused due to traffic blocks, accidents or even late arrival of children at stops invites the wrath of both parents and school.

slight deviation in timings caused due to traffic blocks, accidents or even late arrival of children at stops invites the wrath of both parents and school.

School bus drivers are the first point of contact for parents each day. Since the bus drivers have a one to one interaction with the parents, they are required to be pleasant and smiling always.

They have to be kind and polite with the students and parents. This will assure the parent that there child is in good hands.

The driver has to be positive and dedicated to his job. An understanding of his prime responsibility of the safe transportation of children is necessary to ensure his commitment.

School Bus Driver Challenges


School bus drivers are responsible for the hundreds of children riding the buses to school and back. The safety of the children on-board their buses is a source of constant worry to them.

The biggest challenge for the school bus driver lies in driving a bus-load of 50 noisy children seated behind him, with only one mirror above his head to check their behavior.

The students keep talking, laughing, shouting, crying, fighting among themselves.  Some of them will be eating, walking up and down the aisle, ripping seats and some with special needs. Unruly behavior of students on buses is very common.

Students do not give enough respect to bus drivers. Students insult, use swear words and accuses the drives when he tries to discipline them.

At times, the drivers have to stop the buses to quiet the children and assure minimum disturbance before he proceeds further. This causes delays in the time schedules.

The students are disrespectful by leaving garbage in the bus to be cleaned by the drivers later. The students feel they have the liberty to do anything once outside the school campus. They are a disturbance to their riding compatriots who are quiet and disciplined and want to enjoy a safe ride.

School bus drivers do not expect impeccable behavior from youngsters. They only require them to have peaceful conversations without any disturbance.

The drivers, while keeping an eye on the students, need to drive safely, watching out for traffic on all sides. He has to comply with road signs, traffic signals, speed limits and crossings. The driver’s stress is compounded in adverse weather conditions.

Read Also: How Much Do School Bus Drivers Make

The boisterous and noisy students on the bus are a major cause of distraction to the drivers.The school bus driver has to monitor and maintain a level of discipline on the bus to minimize distractions. A moment of inattention can imperil the lives of the young children under his care.


Despite all the effort taken by the school bus driver to maintain cordial relations with all, he is faced with countless problems from parents.  He feels misunderstood and unappreciated by them.

Parents are always defensive when the driver points out the misconduct of their ward. This gives the child the feeling that he can misbehave and the driver is not an authority to be obeyed.

Prima facie the driver is blamed for any mishap on the bus by students, parents and school.The child’s version of the disciplinary measure meted out to him by the school bus driver very often upsets the parents. Parents react without learning the facts of the situation. They fail to give the driver the benefit of doubt.

The driver is usually faulted for non-tactful handling of the situation. This minimizes the impact of the wrong-doing and the student continues to engage in dangerous activities.

Parents can communicate with drivers through the special windows, but very often they barge into the bus blocking the entry passage. They interfere in fights among students and directly admonish those involved with their child.


The school bus drivers are reprimanded by the school administration for minor accidents, short delays, route deviations, faulty records. Many a time, the drivers are not given a fair hearing for their lapses. Reasons beyond the school bus drivers control are very often not given due consideration.

The cumbersome procedure in reporting of misbehavior of children on the bus does not elicit the desired result. The school bus driver reports misconduct.

The students are then removed from the bus. Parents complain and the students are re-instated. The driver’s efforts to maintain a level of decorum is disregarded.

Employing an annoyed, de-motivated, frustrated and distracted driver compromises the safety of children on board the bus.

 Personal grievances

The drivers have to deal with malfunctioning equipment in the bus like cameras, alarms, sensors etc. They are not trained sufficiently to handle medical emergencies or special needs children. Quick and ready access to their superiors is limited.

Long hours behind the wheels and irregular food habits cause health challenges in them. Stress, insomnia, obesity, muscular pains and gastric disorders are common ailments among the drivers.

Why the drivers deserve respect

All these factors show how exhausting the school bus driver’s job is. Every day offers something new and unstructured. Their performance against all odds is commendable.

School bus drivers need to be respected and appreciated for reaching students safely to school and back, amidst daunting circumstances inside and outside the bus.

The students need to be made aware of the difficult job that the drivers handle. They have to be taught that their safety is in the hands of the driver. Parents and school have to inculcate in them a respect for drivers. 

The thoughtless complaints raised against the drivers lower their morale and motivation to perform.  It would be beneficial to school bus drivers and authorities if due consideration is given to how challenging it is to navigate a cabin filled with young children through traffic and adverse weather while simultaneously maintaining discipline and order in the bus.

It is customary for school authorities to reward exemplary students and compliment teachers. The system of transportation is often overlooked until something bad occurs. They should be equated with the other staff in the school system.

Read Also: School Bus Driver Safety – How Technology Can Play a Role

The drivers do not seek any special recognition. They need to be listened to. Their requests should be heeded.All that the school bus drivers require is to feel included, that they are an important part of student education.

This dedicated group of drivers should be thanked profusely and praised for their efforts in safely transporting the students to school and back.

9 Ways To Reduce School Bus Transportation Costs

Schools and school districts are constantly on the look-out to reduce operational costs wherever possible. The reduced budgets given to schools prompt them to cut costs in areas that do not directly affect classroom studies. School Bus transportation costs thus become a target when school administrations seek to curtail their expenses.

Read Also : 7 Tips To Improve Fuel Efficiency In School Buses

Bus transportation costs depend on the age of the fleet, wages, maintenance expenditure,fuel-consumption, insurance charges. This comprises of 80% of the total cost.Capital costs include purchase cost of new vehicles and cost of fleet replacement. Operating a school bus fleet at optimal efficiency has a direct impact on the costs saved.

Methods to reduce school bus transportation costs

1. Reducing the number of buses

Operating a fleet of school buses is expensive. The best method to reduce costs is to reduce the number of buses in operation. Trimming the fleet automatically decreases driver wages, fuel consumption, wear and tear of vehicles etc. These factors contribute enormously in saving costs.


Efficient route management is the most practical way to lower costs without hampering the quality of service provided.The best model in cost-cutting serves to get students to school efficiently while optimizing transport times.

2. Route management

Transporting pupils to schools is a complex matter. Technological advances have helped school administrators tackle the issue with considerable ease. Software systems are used to develop bus routes. Some schools still do the route mapping manually.

Schools have to periodically review their bus routes in terms of the actual number of students using the bus and the total time utilized. Simple adjustments to the previous year’s routes will not help in lowering operational costs.

School administrators cut backs on stops and routes to stay within the budget. Minor changes in operations like minimizing trips and routes, often result in great advantages.

3. Trip planning

The number of students at each bus-stop, stop locations and bus capacities has a direct impact on the charting of bus routes. Minimizing the number of trips minimizes the number of buses required.

Trips can be linked together on a single bus route if school start and finish timings are altered slightly. The elementary, middle and high school start and dismissal times are fixed to fall within a certain time slot.

Then it becomes possible to link more trips together on a single bus. This decreases the number of buses required in total. The optimal combination of alternate bell timings and trips results in saving costs and increasing efficiency.

4. Route planning

A method used to increase operational efficiency is route planning. A single route is designed for children of different schools in a school district. Trips of different schools are combined to form one route.

A single bus is assigned to this specific route. This reduces the time the buses run without students on board as well as the number of buses on each route.  Each route becomes longer but serves more trips on one single route.

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This minimizes the number of routes resulting in lower operational costs. Pollution caused by diesel exhaust fumes is reduced to a large extent. This model is viable where schools fall under the purview of one governing authority and the services of a centralized bus company is utilized. Private schools which own their own buses might not be open to this model.

5. Walking School Bus

‘Walking School Bus’ is a new concept which has been adopted by neighborhoods in the US. When rerouting to optimize costs, some of the routes closer to the schools get eliminated. In such cases, students along those routes group together and walk to school under the supervision of an adult.

The parents and children like the idea of walking as it is healthy. Students feel energetic and fresher. Most often students get to school quicker as school buses normally take more time picking up children on their routes.

These students can either walk or bike to school. This enables students staying further away, disabled or otherwise-able students to avail bus services .Student safe zones have to be ensured.

6. Alternative fuel vehicles

States and cities in the US spend roughly $15 million annually transporting children to school. Diesel, that powers most of the buses, is now very expensive.

Governmental regulations on cutting down the pollution, forces one to adopt alternative fuel sources for running vehicles. Propane, CNG and Electric vehicles are available options. Hybrid diesel-electric vehicles, though expensive, are used by some schools.

Cost of vehicles running on alternative fuel is high as compared to the cost of diesel engine vehicles. There is a significant reduction in fuel costs. Air pollution due to diesel exhaust fumes is drastically reduced leaving lesser carbon footprint.  Better utilization of the buses can make it viable in the long run.

The buses in the existing fleet can be retrofitted with alternative fuel engines. This can help reduce the initial capital expenditure. When deciding to retrofit, the age of the vehicle has to be taken into account,to gain maximum benefit.

7. Maintenance cost

Regular maintenance is needed to keep the buses safe on the road. Less number of school buses on the road means lesser maintenance of vehicles. Savings on parts, supplies and labor is considerable when the number of buses is minimal.

A maintenance program that can extend the life of buses is essential.Periodical regular maintenance and scheduled preventive maintenance will reduce the incidence of unexpected breakdowns and the costs associated.

Schools and transport companies need to have policies on disposal of buses that cannot serve efficiently.

8. Staff expenses

A reduction in the number of buses will require less number of staff to man them. The reduced number of drivers brings about a huge saving in wages. Efficient routing and time management will reduce overtime costs.

Fleet management software provides real-time feedback and comprehensive reporting enabling safe and efficient pupil transportation.

Using digital software systems for routing, GPS systems for locations, RFID readers for bus attendance; CCTV to monitor bus discipline reduces the need for administrators handling these functions manually.

The one-time capital expenditure to install the technology and equipment required will considerably save on otherwise recurring expenses.

9. Down-side of cost reduction

Re-routing and elimination of routes will leave a good number of students without transport. Cutting bus routes without proper plans regarding student safety will cause adverse effects.

When bus stops or routes are eliminated parents react with anger. They are concerned about the dangers involved when their wards walk or cycle to school. Parents then opt to drop them to school in their cars.

Read Also : 15 Splendid Ways to Reduce Fuel Cost [For School Buses]

About36 cars are needed to transport an equivalent bus-load of students. This proportionately increases traffic congestion and corresponding air pollution on the roads.

The incidence of accidents is higher among cars increasing the risk of safety. School buses meet with fewer accidents. Their big sizes allow them to withstand damage better on an impact. School buses are considered to be 13 times safer than cars.

School buses in the US alone transport 25 million students, travelling distances of approximately 4 billion miles each year. Decreasing school budgets and rising fuel prices necessitates minimizing school bus operational costs.

It is worth the effort to stream-line the operations to ensure safer transportation of students at minimal costs to the school.

How TrackSchoolBus System Keeps Your Bus Fleet Running Smoothly

To efficiently manage a fleet of buses is obviously a painstaking task, not to mention the problems that arise despite the hard work.  But, with technology, like TrackSchoolBus System, you can definitely have your efforts halved and results improved.

TrackSchoolBus System is an all-in-one application that suits the needs of parents, drivers, and transport managers alike, with bus safety as a priority.  Here’s how it helps you get a better grip of your job and keep the bus fleet running smoothly.

Plan bus routes efficiently

Planning bus routes manually may be a nightmare to most transport managers. It takes days to collect data regarding traffic and routes. To organize the information, to sit together with your team, and plan the routes may take another few weeks.

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And no matter how much effort you have taken, you may end up making mistakes, the most common one being allotting two or more routes for the same bus, or vice versa. Such errors may cause all your week-long hard work to go down the drain.


In the case of school bus fleet, the Parent App integrated with the TrackSchoolBus System provides residential information of students, making it easy to allot pick-up points.

Even if a student relocates,the auto routing feature of TrackSchoolBus System makes the job easier for transport managers. In short, TrackSchoolBus System assists you in assigning buses and planning bus routes. But you, as the transport manager, will have full control over the bus fleet management process.

Keep track of bus drivers

Efficient management of fleet also involves taking enough steps to ensure bus safety. Despite sufficient background check before hiring, it is not always easy to detect driver malpractices until they start the job.

Malpractices like over speeding, drunken driving, taking a route different from the original, etc., can affect bus safety as well as add to the operational costs. Therefore, it is important to monitor bus drivers while on duty.

TrackSchoolBus System makes it possible for you to keep track of bus drivers’ performances, a task which is manually impossible.The application utilizes GPS to gather data and notifies transport managers real time regarding the speed of the bus, unwanted stops, punctuality, etc. All these data gets stored for future use. 

Reduce operational costs

An important portion of an organization’s expense comprises operating the bus fleet. The operational costs include amount spent in terms of maintaining the fleet, refuelling, the distance covered by the buses, and the like. Manual labour and driver malpractices can also add to the expenses.

TrackSchoolBus System allows constant monitoring of fleet, thus helping you to avoid unwanted expenses. Since bus drivers are aware of being monitored, they will not attempt vehicle misuse or other malpractices.

This helps to save fuel, avoid accidents and as a result, the maintenance costs can be reduced. Also, since the application helps reduce manual efforts, labour costs can be halved as well.

Ensure BusSafety

Bus safety is also an important part of efficient bus fleet management. The TrackSchoolBus System helps you to keep driver behaviour at check by providing you with real-time notifications regarding location and speed of the bus. This helps curb any sort of driver malpractices.

Also, the school bus tracking software provides information regarding passenger attendance. This is helpful especially when you are managing school buses. Parents are often concerned whether their kids have boarded the right bus and through their journey to school and back.

TrackSchoolBus System provides real-time information notifications to parents as well so that they feel ensured. It also notifies you at times of emergency so that you can act quickly.

Read Also: How TrackSchoolBus App Improves Bus Attendant’s Efficiency

Fleet management software has become popular in the past few years. Many companies have come forward with their own versions of software. But, amongst them all, here is how TrackSchoolBus System stands apart.

User-friendly interface

TrackSchoolBus system comes with a simple interface that can be easily used by transport managers, authorities, drivers, and parents, alike. It saves you from the extra expenses usually spent over training sessions to acquaint everyone with complex fleet management software.

Cost effective

Most organizations rely on technology to cut down costs. But, most of the time, the opposite happens. The above-mentioned points regarding how TrackSchoolBus System helps you handle bus fleet efficiently are the perfect reasons to why it is a cost-effective solution.


“Comfort” is one of the factors that any organization looks into in any software they plan to use. TrackSchoolBus System can be customized according to the needs of whoever is using it.


TrackSchoolBus System works well with any device and latest Operating Systems.

Read Also: How TrackSchoolBus System Allocates School Bus Routes

In short, depending on technology, like TrackSchoolBus System, can help you get past the hurdles put forward by manual bus fleet management and ensure a smooth running bus fleet for your organization.

6 Leading School Bus Rental Companies in Philadelphia

Established in 1818, the Philadelphia school district is the eighth largest in terms of enrolment in the U.S. The school district operates 214 out of the 300 public schools and they include 149 elementary schools, 16 middle schools, and 49 high schools. The remaining public schools are operated by independent charter schools which are authorized by the school district.

Read Also: School Bus Rental Companies in Chicago

A number of school bus rental companies operating in Philadelphia cater to the transportation needs of these children. Some of the top rental service providers are:

1: YellowBird Bus Company

Since 1981 YellowBird has been providing school bus services for the children of the greater Philadelphia area. Known for providing services on time and quoting competitive rates, it is considered to be one of the most reliable school bus service providers in the area.

Over the years, the company’s fleet has grown from about a dozen vehicles to more than 100 buses and carries hundreds of students on a daily basis to and from schools.


YellowBird Bus Company is a family-owned business that provides safe rides to school children all over Philadelphia as well as the Bucks and Montgomery counties.

In addition to providing daily transportation services to school children, the company caters to bus needs for special events such as class field trips and wide array of private events. They include sports events, bachelor parties, wedding parties, and senior events, among many others.

2: David Thomas Transportation

The school bus rental company David Thomas Transportation operates the latest model school buses that can carry 16, 20, 48, and 50 students. The company also offers 14 passengers shuttle buses.

Their entire fleet has AM/FM Stereo Radio, Public Address System, CD player, and a cell phone for emergency calls. David Thomas also makes available air-conditioned school buses. They come with more headroom as they are designed for adults.

The company is well known in Philadelphia for operating school buses at affordable rates and providing safe transportation to school children. For chartered trips, the company offers services on all the 7 days of the week.

David Thomas Transportation, established in 2001, caters to the transportation needs of school children in and around the Philadelphia area.

The company also arranges buses for school field trips, after-school sporting events, and many other school activities. The air-conditioned school buses operated by David Thomas are licensed to travel even to destinations outside Pennsylvania.

Finally, the company ensures the buses are clean and well maintained and are driven safely by knowledgeable, friendly, and professional drivers, who always present themselves in uniform.

3: Maytav Bus Company

Maytav Bus operating in Philadelphia specializes in providing low-cost bus services for the metropolitan area. Maytav operates on rental basis on school bus routes for transporting students, taking them to and from school.

In addition, the company rents out buses for other school trips, day camps, senior groups, daycares, and private requirements.

Read Also: Top 10 School Bus Companies

Maytav has a professional set of staffs on their rolls. Further, Maytav’s busses are all equipped with a GPS device. This is to make sure that the passengers reach their destination on time without fail.

In addition to offering quality service all the time, Maytav ensures safe travel at very competitive rates.

4: Total Transportation Corp

The school bus and charter company Total Transportation serves NYC, New York, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey. With a professed mission to provide dependable and safe transportation services to its clients, TTc has been operating school bus and charter bus services for more than 40 years now.

Furthermore, the company is committed to offering distinctive and tailored services so as to address the needs of each client.

Furthermore, the company is committed to offering distinctive and tailored services so as to address the needs of each client.

Total Transportation owns and operates several transportation companies. Mat Bus Corp is the company that operates transportation services for school students in the Philadelphia school district.

5: Durham School Services

Durham is a provider of safe and reliable school student transportation services across the United States of America, including Philadelphia.

The company transports over 1,000,000 students on a daily basis. Schools and school districts making use of their services don’t have to worry about capital for new buses, routing issues, driver recruitment and training, and bus breakdowns.

This is because the company has the expertise and experience in providing transportation services and nation-wide resources.

Durham School Services is a division of National Express LLC which is the subsidiary of the U.K. based National Express Group in North America.

At Durham, the safety of the children is the #1 priority. That’s why the company follows a nationally recognized fleet preventive maintenance program.

The history of Durham School Services can be traced to 1917 when it started its services with just three buses in San Gabriel Valley, California.

Back then, Durham was specialized in providing special education transportation. Today, the company owns over 16,300 school buses. They serve over 400 school districts across 31 states in the US.

6: First Student

This school bus rental service provider is more than one hundred years old. The company serves nearly 1,100 school districts for ferrying children from and to the schools all over North America.

First Student works very closely with all the school districts as they appreciate the fact that the requirements differ from one district to another. In fact, this company ferries a larger number of students on a daily basis than the people transported by airlines in the country.

Read Also: Buying a School Bus – 10 Important Points You Should Know

Further, First Student is the only school bus transportation services company to be given the coveted Green Cross Safety Award by the National Safety Council.  This is because the company focuses a lot on the safety of the students they transport from and to school.

That is why First Student has equipped its fleet with real-time tracking devices, efficient communication tools, digital cameras and Wi-Fi routers.