School Bus Evolution: From Horse Wagons to Yellow Buses(Infographics)


If you want your child to have a safe and comfortable school transportation, school bus is the best solution. Every morning, there are millions of students getting ready for school. You can see excitement on their tiny faces. But at the same time, you can see the anxious faces of parents as well.

From the early days, student transportation safety has remained a top priority. There have been a wide variety of school bus designs and structures for ensuring better safety. These buses have undergone massive transformation over the years. Today, you will be able to see lots of school buses with latest technologies installed. And you may wonder why parents are worrying even though they send their child via this school bus with lots of security measures in it. 

But have you thought how school buses has evolved from being drawn by horses to super safe modern buses?

Let us look at the school bus evolution history.

School Bus Evolution: From Horse Wagons to Yellow Buses(Infographics)



Issues Faced by School Bus Fleet Managers [Infographics]


With the increased traffic and unsafe conditions, the school bus transportation became difficult. Road related accidents and injuries are increasing day by day due to the increased number of vehicles on the road. Students are more exposed to accidents as they are unaware of essential safety rules and safety measures. Hence, student road safety has been at stake ever since.

School bus fleet managers are said to be the caretaker of students on a school bus. Their prime responsibility is the safety of school bus students. Apart from this, there are so many important responsibilities that should be fulfilled by a fleet manager. 

Often, you will be able to see fleet managers finding difficulty in organising pick up point location of each school bus student, conducting maintenance and repair, contacting every school bus driver, checking the status of school buses, attending to emergency situations, and managing complaints of parents.

Lack of communication and improper monitoring of a school bus makes the task of school bus fleet managers risky and complex. Fleet managers need to organise and plan school bus schedules properly for smooth functioning of school bus transportation. When you analyze school bus transportation closely, you will be able to identify certain common issues faced by a fleet manager.


Issues Faced by School Bus Fleet Managers


Issues Faced by a School Bus Travelling Student in a Day [Infographics]


Riding a school bus is a unique atmosphere for your school going child. School bus transportation is the safest and most secure means transportation to and from school. The risk rate for school bus crashes is low since they have more safety features compared to other vehicles on the road.   

You may prefer school bus over other means of transportation as you have strong faith on school bus transportation. But students have to deal with certain issues while travelling on a school bus. You may not be aware of these issues as your child may never speak out about these issues out of fear.

Read Also:

 25 School Bus Safety Tips For Kids

It is not fair to always blame your child's school bus drivers. They may not be able to watch students inside the school bus constantly. One of the prime duties bestowed upon them is to ensure a safe student transportation and they will try to accomplish it more than anything.

So, let's take a closer look at the common issues that are faced by your child on the school bus and take the necessary steps to ensure everything goes as well as it is supposed to be. This, in turn makes your child's school bus journey safe, comfortable and fearless.

Issues Faced by a School Bus Travelling Student in a Day


School Bus Safety Rules for Kindergarten Students [Infographic Part 2]

Kindergarten is an exhilarating and crucial time for your child. If your child uses school bus as the primary transportation to and from kindergarten you might be concerned about school bus safety. You would worry even though your kids are not alone and is under adult vigilance.

One of the best precautionary method is to educate your children with road safety rules. Kids should be knowledgeable about certain necessary rules which make them safe and secure.

School Bus Safety Rules Part I

School Bus Safety Rules for Kindergarten Students- Part I [Infographics]

Your child should be able to keep in mind that a school bus is similar to that of a classroom and the role of teacher is fulfilled by school bus drivers. Hence, you should make sure that your child behaves appropriately in a school bus, follows relevant safety rules, and obeys the bus driver.
Your child should know what they are allowed to do and what they are not allowed to do inside the school bus. 

School bus safety rules make your kid orderly and safe. Here's a list of school bus safety rules for kindergarten students, shown in the form of an infographic. 

School Bus Safety for Kindergarten Students part 2 infographic

School Bus Safety Rules for Kindergarten Students- Part I [Infographics]


Every child should have proper awareness on school bus safety. As a younger rider, they may have so many confusions and tensions about road safety. Hence, it is your responsibility to teach and transmit knowledge of basic road safety rules and regulations to your kids

When you give advices continuously to your children, they get frustrated and irritated. One of the best ways to convey the idea of safety in children is to show and demonstrate those safety rules in front of them.  There are certain safety rules that a child should know about and follow for their own safety.

School Bus Safety for Kindergarten Students- Part I

As a parent, you can be the most influential teacher and this can help you greatly in persuading your child to follow certain safety etiquette. You can spend some time with your child to discuss about safety and explain about its importance. As a result of this, your child  become more vigilant on the road. 

The greatest risk for your child is not riding the school bus, but nearing or leaving the bus, thus children should be cautious when they are around the school bus. Hence, it is better for them to follow certain essential safety rules and regulations, so that they can enjoy a secure and delightful journey.

Principles of Road Safety-III [Infographics]


Road safety is essential for adults as well as children. It is said that in recent years, road has become an unsafe place for people. Punishments given to drivers for offense driving alone cannot make a road safer. We can make roads safer by improving road conditions such as covering up potholes and providing adequate signals if there are any curved or narrow roads.


Attitude of drivers play a vital role in ensuring road safety. Drivers need to be cautious and careful to every rules and regulations of the road. Sometimes drivers are not the only one to be blamed. It would be difficult for drivers to drive safely in unsafe conditions. Proper maintenance of roads is necessary for functioning safely and efficiently. One of the key point in ensuring road safety is observation.


Principles of Road Safety(Part III) [Infographics]


Road safety education begins right at school itself. One of the greatest initiative that can be taken by individuals to safeguard them and others on the road is to carefully follow safety rules and regulations.


It is a known fact that the main victims of accidents are young people under the age of 25. More young people die due to road crashes rather than due to serious diseases like tuberculosis, malaria, HIV/AIDS etc. Drinking and driving is one of the leading reasons for causing accidents. Hence one of the better measure to avoid accidents is daily inspection for drunken driving.


Today, road accidents have become part and parcel of our daily lives. In order to avoid accidents, it is better to follow certain principles of road safety.


Principles of Road Safety – Part I [Infographics]          Principles of Road Safety -Part II [Infographics]

Principles of Road Safety -Part II [Infographics]

Road safety is a state of mind, accident is an absence of mind


Road safety is necessary for people of all ages. Today, road safety is having great importance as the number of accidents are mounting up day by day. Driver distraction and lack of attention are the leading reasons behind road accidents.


One of the greatest thing to stay safe on road is to control emotions and stress while driving. But many drivers are unable to control their stress. Their emotion can hinder the ability to drive safely on the road. Hence for having a safe journey, it is better not to provoke drivers.


Principles of Road Safety - Part II [Infographics]


Most victims of accidents are youth as they are the ones who love rash driving. Accidents are avoided by being aware of the surroundings. Cell phones, radio and newspapers are some of the main distractions in driving. It is better to avoid using cell phones while driving. Otherwise, it may take the life of an innocent pedestrian or may commit a serious traffic violation.


From crossing the road to driving, everyone should know each rules of the road. Observation is the key point in road safety. Education to road safety begins right from school. Safe roads assure safe return home. By obeying certain safety rules, we are not only safeguarding oneself but also pedestrians on the road.


Principles of Road Safety – Part I [Infographics]          Principles of Road Safety-III [Infographics]

Principles of Road Safety – Part I [Infographics]


Road safety is all about offering security and protection against the unexpected dangers on the road. By following the basic principles of road safety, the number of road accidents and road injuries can be reduced. We see a number of accidents each day due to carelessness of drivers and violation of traffic rules. When it comes to school transportation, road safety is a serious issue.


Children as well as young people should be aware of the major road traffic rules in order to avoid the risk of serious road accidents. Based on the survey, it is found that most of the hospitalization and the cause of death are resulted because of road trauma.


Principles of Road Safety [Infographics]


Some of the leading causes behind road accidents are high speed, drunken driving, use of cell phone while driving, etc. Everyone should try to learn the major road traffic and safety rules right from an early age for performing a safer behavior in their later life. Road safety measures are the tools which save us from paying expensive amount as traffic fines.


Practicing or following simple road safety measures can help us maintain a safe environment. Lets look at a few road safety principles everyone should follow. 


Principles of Road Safety -Part II [Infographics]         Principles of Road Safety-III [Infographics]