Extendable Plug and Play features

Added up features for an effective system to rely on !

Our system has incorporated additional features like two-factor attendance, excursion management etc. These features are an added advantage to our system.


Excursion trip

Conducting and managing excursions need a lot of responsibility. In our system, we have included a feature specialized to handle excursion trips. It let transport providers to schedule and manage trips accordingly.

Shuttle Trip

With this feature, students need not worry if they miss their regular bus or not, rather, transport providers can arrange shuttle trips, trips which make regular services connecting main locations. From these main locations, students can easily board on their busses. Transport providers can manage the vehicles, bus points etc conveniently with this.

Two factor attendance system

A feature to ensure child safety by tracking real-time attendance about students by parents, teachers and school authorities as well. It helps to mark student attendance accurately and is an advantage to reduce child missing cases.

Stay Back Trips

Many schools have stay back classes/activity classes after regular school hours. So it is necessary to manage bus trips for stay back students also. In our system, transport providers can manage stay back trips accordingly.