Safety Guidelines of Karnataka

  • School authorities should assign a male as well as a female staff to protect students in the school bus until they reach the destination. Buses should install a working GPS & CCTV facilities.
  • Management should check driving licenses of each driver and should confirm whether they have any crime records from police.
  • Managements should have written approval from vehicle owners showing that owners alone are responsible for violating norms by drivers.
  • Managements should give strict instructions to drivers for staying inside vehicles. They should be given warning about not to try moving inside school premises and dragging children into unwanted conversation
  • Only concerned teachers and supervisors should accompany students at school ground, swimming pool, labs, library, auditorium etc.
  • Every schools must have Floor Vigilance Officers (FVO) for ensuring student safety. They should be able to monitor all the activities happening inside the campus
  • CCTVs should be installed in the school buses
  • Parents as well as students should be able to contact each other during emergencies
  • Staff, office­bearers of management, security guards, attendants should be given id cards of each student to contact at emergency situations
  • School management should have security guards round a clock. These security staffs should report to their heads every two hours about safety status
