Why We Need School Bus Drivers In This Age Of Automation

School buses are considered to be the safest mode of transportation of students to and from schools. A school bus driver is the most responsible person involved in the transportation of children to school and back. He is the main interface between students, their parents and the school.

He is the main interface between students, their parents and the school.

A school bus driver is the most responsible person involved in the transportation of children to school and back. He is the main interface between students, their parents and the school.

Read Also: Why School Bus Drivers Deserve Our Respect

The advancements in technology have brought about innovations in the field of manufacture of vehicles.

Driverless autonomous vehicles are being tested by leading vehicle manufacturers, whether it would be practical to use these buses to transit children needs to be assessed.


A school bus driver is responsible for the safe transportation of students. His duties are not merely confined to that of driving alone. He is in charge of the students during the time they are on the bus.

He picks the students from pre-designated stops at fixed timings. Any delay in the schedule is intimated to the parents. Traffic jams, accidents and other disruptions on the school bus route are informed to the school.


The school bus driver’s role as a communicator is of utmost importance. The parents feel comfortable to leave their children in the hands of a reliable and able bus driver. Similarly, the school management is at ease when they are convinced that student safety is assured.

The bus driver is the most often met personnel of a school. The parents meet the driver on a daily basis and communicate with him. A smiling and friendly bus driver reaches out to the children as well as the parents.

The students on the bus tend to fight and bully each other. It is the bus driver who resolves these minor skirmishes. Any major fight or quarrel is reported to the school authorities. It is the school bus driver’s duty to ensure discipline and safety on the bus. He has to see that no injury is caused.


Technology and automation have resulted in the production of driverless buses. Driverless buses, as the name suggests, helps in doing away with drivers.

Driverless buses are a boon when school bus drivers are in shortage. As such, the system does not seem to need human drivers any more.

Recruitment and hiring of drivers can be a gargantuan task involving high expenditures. Autonomous buses will reduce the costs and the several constraints in hiring drivers.

The need for staff, both supervisorial and managerial staff to manage the drivers and the human resources staff to recruit them, is minimal. A decrease in personnel means drastic reductions in operating costs.

Autonomous vehicles are considered safer. Driverless vehicles are not likely to engage in risky driving. Driver inattention or the driver’s lack of knowledge of the rules is not relevant. The vehicles obey traffic rules and travel at a steady speed.

The numerous sensors, cameras and radars on the autonomous vehicles detect traffic lights, recognize obstacles and brakes autonomously. When the bus approaches the stops, the doors are opened and closed automatically.

The cameras scan the road and the radars monitor the traffic ahead. The data generated drives the bus on an exacting and precise route.

Autonomous buses are efficient in routing and scheduling school bus trips. They follow set routes scheduled to be covered in fixed times. It is easy to change the routes if required.

The wear and tear of an autonomous vehicle is less than that of a human-driven vehicle due to the predictive driving style. Frequent accelerations and braking do not happen as the vehicle travels at steady speeds.

The vehicles have lower fuel consumption and lower emission rates. This reduces vehicle breakdowns and curtails maintenance expenses.

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The reduced expenses make it cheaper to utilize autonomous school buses, improving the mobility and the speed of operations.

The low-risk, low-speed driverless vehicle would help schools in cutting costs and improving the efficiency of their transportation system.


A shift to automated autonomous buses will eliminate the need for drivers causing huge unemployment issues in the community.

An automated driverless bus can solve mobility issues. But in areas where human interaction is required it fails.

Parents choose school buses as the means of transportation as it is considered the safest option with a responsible driver on board. A good percentage of parents are not willing to let their children ride in driverless vehicles.

Parents are at peace when knowing their child is in safe hands. Students feel comfortable when travelling with a known person. Driverless buses will not cater to these emotional needs. This human need is of importance and is of concern when not addressed.

Bus drivers who have been servicing the same route over a period of years are known to the students and parents. He is compassionate and helps students when in distress. The driver is a figure they look up to as role models. Drivers, in many cases, are even treated as part of the family.

Special needs children need to be assisted into the bus. The school bus driver is trained to help them. The needs of special children cannot be met by an autonomous vehicle.

An adult authority on a school bus becomes necessary to maintain discipline and safety on board. Problems like fights and quarrels between students have to be addressed before it escalates to violence.

In cases of emergency, like a fire, an adult on the bus will help in guiding the children into safety. When breakdowns and accident occurs mid-way to school, the students on the bus have to be transferred to a safer transport while still on the road.

It is the school bus driver that assists the students in these emergencies. An autonomous vehicle with no driver will lead to disastrous results in such cases.

A school bus driver keeps watching the students on the bus. If he finds a child predator, which has inadvertently entered the bus, he can inform the police and all authorities concerned to safeguard the children on the bus. In a driverless bus this aspect of safety cannot be governed.

The bus driver acts as a liaison between the students on the bus and the school. They are the first to respond to any crisis. Any untoward occurrences encountered on his route are reported immediately enabling school administration to respond quickly.

Another drawback noted in autonomous vehicles is that despite the numerous functions on board, the cleaning and vehicle inspection cannot be assigned to any software. It would be complicated to assign these functions to robotic designs and may result in inaccuracy.


Autonomous buses, in a school’s context, may be used ideally when buses are required for special events.

When a breakdown occurs to a regular bus on a scheduled trip, driverless buses can be deployed in picking up the students and completing the trip. This operation will save time and inconvenience to the students.

In short, driverless buses can be used occasionally to assist and increase the efficiency of the normal bus operations.

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Autonomous buses can be utilized as school buses as the cost of operation is low. But an adult on board the bus is essential to ensure the happiness of the student and the parent alike. As for the school, an aide on board the bus is necessary to maintain the discipline and safety of the students.

Though fully automated vehicles require no drivers, the need for personnel on board to assist with discipline and safety is envisaged. A school bus driver’s human touch will still be required. An autonomous vehicle can never be a match for human interaction.

Sex Offenders On School Buses

Sexual offenses are of different types. Rape, child molestation and sexual abuse are the most common. Rapists commit rape, child molesters sexually abuse minors and sexual abuse is forceful sexual contact.


Sex offenders use different modus operandi to lure or abduct their victims. Children are innocent and are unable to comprehend a predator’s actions.

Read Also: How School Bus Drivers Can Protect Special Needs Students From Getting Bullied

Sex offenders can be found on the school buses and off the school buses at bus-stops and near schools.


Sex offenders on school buses

Sex offenders manage to get on the school buses mainly when it has been parked at locations or when the driver leaves the bus unattended for a short while. This happens mostly when the children go out on field trips or school picnics.

sex offenders on school bus

Sex offenders, mainly interested in molesting children, pry open the doors of the bus or simply walk in. They hide behind the bus where the driver’s visibility is low. It is horrifying for all to find an offender amidst a bunch of students.

It is now mandatory that the drivers do a walk-through of the bus while entering or exiting a bus. This ensures that no one has entered and that the seats are empty. He has to do a front- to- back check of the bus before he lets the children in.

In some cases, the sex offender steals a school bus and drives it along the route found in the bus. This happens when the keys are left on the bus. Bus drivers have to take extra care to see that the keys are off the bus and the windows and doors are locked before he leaves the bus.


Sex offenders off school buses

School bus stops are normally decided upon by taking into consideration parental demands as well as traffic regulations. The potential hazard mostly overlooked is the proximity of the bus stops to sex offender’s homes.

sex offenders on school bus

It is dangerous to have children wait unsupervised near homes of habitual offenders with a past history of sexual abuse. Sexual predators stalk and abduct children. Locating stops at such places are causes for trouble.

School districts while charting the routes and fixing stops do not always succeed in steering clear of sex offender proximity. But they do heed to parental concerns and shift the stops as per their request.



A register with the police provide a list of sex offenders in a particular area.  School districts can access them before fixing stops. These lists are available to transportation personnel and the public.

Several states publish data online with details of name, street address and photo and even criminal history of the sex offender.  They are categorized as low, medium and high risk offenders. Medium and high-risk offenders are those who have committed violent crimes or who repeat offenses.

School officials are entitled to view this list. Parents and community members can access this list. It would be advisable to consult all parties concerned before a stop is fixed or moved. This will help in reducing potential danger to the children.

As the parent it would be advisable to do a pre-emptive check on the neighborhood for any sex offenders residing there. All registered offenders do not pose a threat as they may not be involved with children. It would be pertinent to be constantly aware of them and to not instigate a problem with them.

Parents have to chaperone their children to the bus-stop however inconvenient it may be. Chaperoning duties can be shared among parents of children using the same bus stop.

Even if the bus stop is moved from the vicinity of a sex offender he will still be in the neighborhood. Hence it would be wise to escort the child to the bus stop daily to ward off any unwanted situations.

Read Also: How School Bus Drivers Can Help Protect Disabled Children

School districts are to be notified by parents of any danger to their child’s safety. If alerted promptly the bus stops can be moved.

Each school district being different, the policy on sex offenders differ. It is best the parents update themselves and be aware of the policies.

Software used in school bus routing and scheduling have functions that alert the user when the bus stop is close to that of a registered offender. The application treats the student similar to that living on a hazardous road and creates a bus stop in front of the student’s residence.

Educating children, parents and community members about the possible predatory behavior of child molesters is essential. Distributing pamphlets, information, public announcements to parents, students, teachers, school staff, the care givers can create awareness of the potential problems. Persons who are frequently in touch with children should be wary and pay attention to any such individuals.

Educating the young students about the threats they may face from the apparently friendly strangers and known persons is necessary. Children of all ages have to be educated on unnatural behavior in an age-appropriate manner that they can comprehend.



Sexual conduct against a child, predatory sexual assault, stalking a child, using a child in sexual acts, distributing indecent material to children, luring a child, aggravated assault on a child and persistent sexual abuse are crimes of sexual exploitation.

The maximum penalty for these crimes against children is 15 years of imprisonment and the minimum sentence is probation depending on the crime. 

If the sex offender is a driver, they are permanently disqualified or banned for 5 years depending on the severity of the action.

Behavioral aspects

To detect sex offenders who are not registered is not easy. They skillfully manipulate the child, family and community with kindness and charm.  His behavior is attributed to normal adult-child relations. His deviant intentions go unnoticed.

The sex offender gains access to the vulnerable child, gains the child’s trust, and assures the child’s secrecy to avoid disclosure. He will try to isolate the child from the rest.

sex offenders on school bus

Child molesters seek jobs that bring them into contact with children. They come as teachers, bus drivers, coaches or even counselors. In professional capacities the molester has access to the child alone after school hours or on field trips.


The chances of convicted sex offenders repeating an offense cannot be gauged accurately. Professionals dealing with them admit that a good number of them do re-offend. 

Read Also: ​How to Prevent the Threat of School Bus Hijacking

Adult sex offenders are found unlikely to change in behavior even with counseling and help. Experts say that most of the offenders repeat if not given professional help.

No amount of technology can completely protect children from harmful situations. School and parents have to work together to offer protection to the children.

5 Key Points For School Districts To Reduce Operating Costs

School districts constantly face the predicament of increasing expenses versus decreasing revenue. They have to provide education without compromising on quality.

Reducing operating costs involves controlling expenses by eliminating unnecessary spending or reducing costs to stay with the constraints of a budget.

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The costs of day to day operations can be curtailed with close monitoring of factors that aid in reducing expenses.


1. Financial plan

The very first step for school districts is to draw up a financial plan within the budget provided. This can then be used as a benchmark to monitor progress and expenses.

The plan needs to list the cost of significant activities listed out for the academic session, the specific strategy to be used in carrying out the activities and the resources to be used to complete the activities successfully.


A periodic comparison of costs incurred in all schools in the district will serve as a tool to guide the schools on economizing expenses.

Shortfall faced in revenue points to poor management of resources.  Any financial surplus or excess balances in the school districts indicate that the money is not being used wisely to improve the outcomes of the children. Hence balancing the budget is extremely crucial in effectively running a school.


2. Staffing costs

The cost of hiring personnel forms the major share of a school district’s budget. It is estimated that 80% of the budget is spent on employees.

Schools have to utilize their staff to the best effect. Hiring competent teachers reduce training costs. Support roles have to be created for the staff so that they can be deployed in lieu of staff absences.

Recruitment costs have to be kept to a minimum. Strategies to retain staff and reduce staff turnover have to be implemented. Reducing workloads help in staff retention.

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Staffing needs to be flexible based on the number of students. At the start of academic sessions, the total number of students and teachers has to be tabulated.

Surplus teachers in any school may be deployed to schools facing shortage of staff instead of being kept idle. This will help in curtailing excessive recruitment.

Digital resources provided to teachers for lesson preparation saves time. Multiple users can use the resources saving expenditure in procuring them. Replacing manual attendance registers with automated ones saves expenses on stationery.

Teachers are to be deployed where they have maximum impact. This is to be decided from the results attained in the various activities.

Employment of two part-time staff to cover the duties of full-time employee results in an increase in health insurance costs. It is better to employ full-time employees to reduce costs.


3. Transportation costs

Expenses on fuel are the highest in transportation costs. A fleet of school buses catering to all the schools in the district will be beneficial in lowering transportation expenses.

 A school bus plying on a single route may be scheduled to pick up students of different schools residing on that particular route. This reduces the need for separate buses for each school.

Implementing routing software ensures the routes taken by the buses are efficient and reasonable. The software minimizes the number of buses needed while optimizing transportation times.

This automatically reduces fuel consumption, the number of drivers and support staff, and wear and tear of the vehicle subsequently lowering expenses.

Cost of purchase of new buses can be shared between schools. The cost of maintenance too is shared. In case of breakdowns, replacement buses can be deployed from the fleet quickly saving cost and time. Prudent disposal of old buses will reduce the cost of major maintenance.


4. Utility bills

Another key factor to reduce expenses is to intentionally bring down the electricity bills. Lighting accounts for half of the electric bills in all schools.

Replacing standard light bulbs with energy efficient LED light bulbs and fixtures in all schools will drastically reduce energy consumption. Low watt compact fluorescent bulbs can be used in classrooms.

Automated systems to switch off all lights, fans and air-condition equipment at specified times can be installed. Occupancy sensors that automatically turn off the lights when no one is in the room can be installed in classrooms and other common areas to save energy and reduce the expenses on electricity.

To minimize heating and cooling costs programmable thermostats can be installed. This will help to minimize operating hours of the system in low occupancy areas like the gym and cafeteria. Regular maintenance of the filters maximizes efficiency and minimizes utility bills.

Another area of high energy demand is in the functioning of office equipment, computers, refrigerators and other appliances. All equipments are to be connected to surge protectors and have to be turned off when not in use during the night, over weekends and during holidays.

Installation of energy star equipment can save up to 50% on costs. Regular maintenance protects the appliances and detects leakages or short circuits if any.

Conditioning the users to more conservative ways of usage and energy-minded behavior will help in control of the utility bills. This includes the use of less water and turning off lights when leaving the area of operation.


5. Optimal use of resource and facilities

The administrators have to enforce the use of technology to reduce paperwork, printing and postage. E-mails and telephone messages have to be sent to communicate with schools and parents.

Online banking systems have to be adopted for payments thus eliminating the need for paper checks.

Leasing of lines for software and internet applications might turn expensive in the long run with rental costs being increased periodically.

A one-time investment, though heavy, will prove beneficial in cutting costs. The costs can be shared by schools functioning close to each other.

The school districts need to have a centralized purchase program wherein all the requirements are consolidated and supplied.

This type of procuring helps in obtaining volume discounts. They get better deals than buying at retail stores. This saves time and the need for  

In today’s scenario where technology helps logistics immensely, it is not necessary to have large spaces for storage.

Purchase orders can be placed only when required, specifying the time and date of delivery, to avoid overstocking of materials. The districts can thus save on money spent on hiring warehouses and other storage spaces.

If the number of students and employees are higher in a school, catering in-house might prove cost-effective. School districts can think of a centralized kitchen supplying to all schools.

This involves transportation costs. Cost comparison between outdoor and in-house catering would be ideal before a decision is taken.


Building maintenance is an area which normally is overlooked and results in major expenditure. Implementation of regular building checks to detect problem areas is essential.

An in-house ad-hoc maintenance team would be ideal rather than maintenance providers. This team can be utilized for other services during down times.

An in-house ad-hoc maintenance team would be ideal rather than maintenance providers. This team can be utilized for other services during down times.

It would be advisable to have pamphlets distributed on energy conservation methods to students and staff.

Posters placed around the school stating the need for conservation of energy and resources will serve as constant reminders.

It is always worthwhile to collaborate with other schools to share details of processes and ideas to achieve economies of scale.

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Regular evaluation of the school’s performance allows for better allocation of funds to the more successful activities.

Whatever the factors involved, general awareness to reduce expenses has to be created in all persons and activities involved. The efforts initiated on individual school levels will reflect on the school district’s success in reducing operating expenses.