Teach Road Safety Rules to Kids with These Interesting Activities


Teaching road safety rules to kids is usually troublesome and time consuming. A little fun and planning can easily overcome these troubles to make the teaching lessons effective.

Here are some interesting activities which you can try out to make the kids understand the importance of road safety rules.

Must Read: 

10 Important Road Safety Rules to Teach Your Children

1. Visit to a traffic park.  

Nothing can equate the pleasure of an outing, especially for kids. A planned visit can be funny as well as informative if you can include the local traffic park in your itinerary. Remember to check out the timings to plan properly.

The traffic parks are usually setup by the respective traffic departments to create awareness for the general public. They generally consist of mock signboards, signals and traffic setups to create awareness on road safety rules. 

2. Games on traffic signs and safety symbols  

A lot of complicated concepts can be made simple and comprehensible by kids with the introduction of a game mode. Children love to play and their funny bones can be used to create games like quizzes, jumping the rope with answering each safety sign meaning, guess the sign with dumb charades etc. 

3. Models and road safety sign making

Hands on activities such as making of models and road safety signs can go a long way in easing the task of teaching road safety rules to kids. Sensory stimuli, especially that of vision and touch can make the kids understand the concepts with little effort. Any activity stimulating the senses will surely reward the efforts in teaching road safety rules to kids. 

4. Conducting Traffic awareness rallies

It’s yet another great way to create awareness of road safety rules not only among kids, but also among the local public. Slogans will be better heard by the public if it comes from unusual sources such as kids, that too on trivial subjects such as road safety. Who is likely to ignore the loud proclamations on road safety rules from the little wonders and the rulers of our future?

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25 School Bus Safety Tips For Kids

5. Making a short film on road safety rules

Media influence on society can’t be underestimated, especially when the world is undergoing technological revolution. Creating a short film with children on board either as script writers, directors, or actors can be promising. Older kids can even edit video and audio portions with technical help from mentors. Such an opportunity will provide ample opportunities for their creativity to unleash in teaching road safety rules. Since the media has far reaching effects, the general society in large will be at benefit too.

6. Screening of special films on road safety for kids

Child-centric films that promote social awareness on road safety rules can be screened in schools, day care centers and similar facilities for instructional or educational purposes. 

7. Mimicking real life situations in class through activities

A lot of fun filled activities can be conducted in the simple setup of classrooms. Mimicking real life situations is one among them. Creating a mock accidental situation and asking the children to find the defaulter can be challenging as well as educative in teaching road safety rules. 

The said activities are neither exclusive nor exhaustive. Rake up your brains to create more challenging puzzles and ways to create awareness on road safety rules. And the effort will never go in vain.  

20 Must-know School Bus Safety Tips for School Bus Drivers

At an initial glance school bus might not seem different from other buses, but there are vast differences between school bus and other buses.

Compared to driving by themselves or riding with friends, students are about 50 times more likely to arrive at school alive on a school bus.

Read Also: School Bus Drivers Training – 10 Tips For City Driving

School bus, no doubt is the ultimate solution for safe transportation of children to and from school. There are a lot of factors that adds to the school bus safety.

From GPS tracking to RFID tags, school bus attains full points as far as safety of children is measured.


School bus driver plays a vital role in managing and maintaining the school bus. There are guidelines for the school bus driver to be followed.

The task of picking up of students from stops and dropping them off at school are managed by the school bus drivers. They also transport students and faculty to field trips or sporting events.

Must Read: 

How to Handle Emergencies? Tips for School Bus Drivers

School bus drivers often work split shifts of mornings and afternoons. They hold a very important responsibility of transportation of the students.

The role of drivers might appear small but there are a lot of things that drivers must concentrate on.

School Bus Safety tips for school bus drivers

1. Usually drivers follow a strict time schedule, but under no circumstances safety should be sacrificed to maintain schedule
2. The driver should be well aware that he represents the school so he must display a clean personality with good behavior
3. Leave at the right time to the bus stop, don’t rush
4. Should concentrate on moving traffic
5. Pay attention to the traffic and safety measures, do not listen to music player, do not play handheld video games which can lead to distractions and accidents
6. Never wear hood while driving as it can make difficulty in hearing and seeing traffic
7. Ensure that all the children are safely seated before starting the bus
8. Be courteous and show respect to children
9. Be friendly to children but concentrate more on road while driving
10. Stop for picking and dropping of children
11. Drive with the headlights on, even during day time
12. Be prepared to act accordingly during emergency situation
13. Deal with the public in a positive, courteous and respectful manner
14. Remain alert for ice, debris, or slippery spots
15. Alerts about bad weather should be noticed
16. If the bus is trapped on tracks, evacuate the bus immediately
17. The speed should always be under control
18. Do not rush to reach the destination fast, always put safety prior to schedule
19. After every drive, bus drivers should check all seats and interior
20. Do not smoke or consume alcohol inside the school bus

Here are the 20 safety tips for school bus drivers shown in the form of Slideshare presentation:

Primary Responsibilities of the school bus drivers

• Transportation of the children to and from school
• Transportation on scheduled time and route
• Before operating the bus, ensure the functioning of the bus. Check the bus tires, breaks, lights, and oil.
• Helping disabled children to enter and exit the bus
• Ensuring that children are seated before the bus starts
• Keenly following the traffic rules
• Informing the passengers of any delay
• Staying updated about the latest driving rules
• Remain alert for ice, debris, or slippery spots
• Emergency numbers must be kept with the drivers
• Drive students and staff members to field trips, sporting events, and other outdoor activities

Read Also: Why School Bus Drivers Deserve Our Respect

Knowledge and skills

The driver should possess combination of thorough knowledge, skills and abilities.

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25 School Bus Safety Tips For Kids

Driver’s knowledge should include

• All routes including the highways
• School bus regulations
• Dealing with children
• Dealing with children of special needs
• Scheduling system and procedures
• Record keeping system
• Equipment cleaning standards and procedures

Skills and abilities of the driver

• Operating the school bus in a safe and responsible manner
• Skills of client service and public interaction
• Team building
• Problem solving skill
• Quick decision making capability
• Verbal and listening skill
• Ability to write and read
• Stress management
• Time management

There are some must follow qualities for being a perfect school bus driver

• Honesty and trustworthy
• Respectfulness
• Cultural awareness and sensitivity
• Should be flexible
• Demonstrate sound work ethics

Special direction for the drivers to follow

There are some school bus safety measures that must be followed by the by school bus drivers.

Read Also: School Bus Drivers Health Problems And Solutions

• The driver should not leave the bus with motor running
• While children are on the bus, driver should never fill the gasoline tank
• No one other than authorized people should drive the school bus
• Driver should not merchandise animals, weapons, or other loads or attachments when transporting children
• There must be a back up bus in the school
• Move the bus only after all the riders are seated
• Do not consume alcohol before driving
• Report to the concerned authority if there are unmanageable pupils
• Never put the child to walk home
• Never use abusive language
• While transporting pupils, driver shall not exceed 15 m.p.h
• Promptly file all reports, routes, schedules and instructions for picking and dropping

25 School Bus Safety Tips For Kids

When you gamble with safety, you bet your life


School bus is said to be the safest mode of transportation for students existing today. Encouraging importance of school bus safety tips to parents and kids is given top priority by every school authorities. Roughly, there are about twenty five million children transported to school via big yellow buses.


Obviously, injuries can happen if the child is careless and hasty while getting on or off the school bus. By discussing school bus safety rules to children, parents can help to avert some of the avoidable accidents. It is essential to teach kids about various safety rules and regulations.




Following are the 25 school bus safety tips for kids:


1. Arrive at the bus stop prior to scheduled school bus time. It is better to arrive at least 5 minutes earlier


2. Stand at least ten feet away from the edge of the road


3. Wait until the school bus stops, the door gets opened and the driver says okay to get on the bus


4. Assure yourself no objects from the bag is dangling which get caught either in the handrails or doors while entering or exiting the bus


5. Check the road for other vehicles before stepping off the bus


6. Never stand closer than 10 feet to the bus as drivers will not be able to see you. Hence, stay out of the danger zone


7. Always be alert to traffic. Look left, right and then left before crossing the road


while getting on or off the bus


8. Stay in a safe place away from the street while waiting for the bus


9. Never try to pick up things which are near or under the bus, warn the driver before picking it


10. Remember to cross the road in front of a bus rather than to cross behind the bus


11. Stay seated and sit quietly when the bus is moving


12. Wait for the driver’s signal to crossing


13. Do not make loud noises that may distract the driver


14. Use the handrail when exiting the bus


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Importance of School Bus Safety Tips


15. Always stay away from the rear wheels of the bus


16. Wait until the bus to stop completely, for getting up from the seat


17. Keep the bags and other belongings out of the aisles


18. Keep head, hands and arms inside the window


19. Never wait for the bus on the road. Instead, wait on the sidewalk


20. Avoid violent or careless behavior when getting on the bus


21. Students should not carry anything that may cause injury to others


22. Do not throw objects inside the bus


23. Let the smaller children board first


24. Do not attempt to use emergency doors or exit controls without supervision or permission from drivers


25. Never fight with other students inside the school bus


Watch our Youtube video on State of the Art School Bus Safety by TrackSchoolBus



School bus safety for kids is something which cannot be ignored. The safety of their child is the first thing that comes to a parent’s mind, especially when entrusting child care to someone else. This is the case of thousands of children in the school bus. Hence it is essential to assure student safety.


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Students can protect themselves by closely following safety rules and careful observation. Theres always a chance for improvement in the case of assuring safety. All the above twenty five tips help to keep school children more safe and pleasant. They will start to enjoy the school bus trip with increased safety.


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JEMS Conducts Demo Classes for School Bus Safety


Jonesville Elementary/Middle School organized demo classes on school bus safety for students. In this class, students learned about how to safely move out of a school bus at the time of emergencies.

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Traffic Police Organizes Interactive Exhibition as part of Children’s Day Celebrations

During these classes, students were given the opportunity to use the school bus emergency exits properly. Also, they are able to learn how to get off the bus without any support from elders and, thereby, help others to get off the bus safely.

The exercise was conducted in the parking place of the school, the place where students used to get on and off the school bus daily. School authorities as well as parents thanked the efforts taken by school bus drivers to make children aware of emergency procedures.


Road Safety Rules for Children (7 to 11 Years Old)


As a parent, you will take maximum effort to keep your child safe. The most important lesson you give to your child is to remain safe in today's uncontrollable traffic.  It is impossible to accompany your child all the time and give instructions. And hence, your child should be aware of various road safety rules that helps them to prevent accidents.

You should teach your child about road safety rules at an early age so that safety habits become inherent in them. A child may usually try to imitate whatever you do. You can take advantage of this habit and take your child along with you whenever you go outdoors. Then, you will be able to demonstrate certain rules which protects them when they are alone on the road.

Must Read: 

10 Important Road Safety Rules to Teach Your Children 

Road Safety Rules(India) & Why they are Important

At the age of seven, your child may be holding your hands while crossing, but at the same time, you should teach them relevant safety rules as there comes a situation where your child goes to school without you. Here follows some information by which your child can become independent and safe:

Understanding the Green Cross Code

Some of you might be wondering about the Green Cross Code. Here is it:

1. Think First

2. Stop

3. Use your eyes and ears

4. Wait till it's safe to move and cross

5. Look and listen

6. Arrive alive

You should make sure that your child knows about the Green Cross Code and never allow them to go out without an idea about this. Mostly, children under eight years old will not have the capability to learn and remember this code. Hence, it is better for you to teach your child about this code at the age of eight.

Things to be remembered while walking along the road

It is healthier to walk along the road rather than going by vehicle. Usually, your child will not be able to see what you can see and at the same time, drivers will not be able to see your child crossing the road. Here are certain rules that you can teach your child while they walk along  the road:

  • Walk on the pavement or path and be safe
  • Never walk near to the kerb
  • If there is no pavement, walk on the right side of the road that faces traffic

Things to be remembered when you are out and about

  • When you go out, make sure that your child:
  • Describe essential road safety rules 
  • Apply the Green Cross Code
  • Talk about what is happening around them in the street
  • Motivate your child to elucidate what they see on the road and give their opinion regarding it
  • Allow your child to make decisions with you, which develops and improves their safety skills
  • Assist your child in planning the most appropriate and safest route when an outing is decided 

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Importance of Student Road Safety Education

Things to be remembered while crossing the road safely

  • You should teach your child the following things to make them secure:
  • Follow the Green Cross Code
  • Wait at the kerb so that drivers could see them and slow down their vehicle for crossing
  • Tell them to cross the road at green signal and never cross at red signal even though vehicles stopped in traffic
  • Use the Zebra crossing
  • Never use phone or any other gadget while crossing the road
  • Stay alert and stand where there is an island

School Bus Safety Precautions   

  •  You should ensure that your child knows certain bus safety precautions as follows:
  • Know the basic rule of safety- Stop, look and listen before crossing the road
  • To stay on the footpath till the bus moved away
  • Be vigilant when they are on and around the bus
  • About the hazards of traffic
  • Never cross in front of the bus

All the above road safety rules can be valuable to your child and help them to protect themselves from today's mad traffic. But as a responsible parent, you can go along with your child whenever they go outdoors and demonstrate to them certain necessary road safety rules. And decide whether they are old enough to understand and learn certain complex safety rules, which indeed makes them safer furthermore.

“One of the most important things we adults can do for young children is to model the kind of person we would like them to be” – Carol B Hillman

School Bus Safety Rules for Kindergarten Students [Infographic Part 2]

Kindergarten is an exhilarating and crucial time for your child. If your child uses school bus as the primary transportation to and from kindergarten you might be concerned about school bus safety. You would worry even though your kids are not alone and is under adult vigilance.

One of the best precautionary method is to educate your children with road safety rules. Kids should be knowledgeable about certain necessary rules which make them safe and secure.

School Bus Safety Rules Part I

School Bus Safety Rules for Kindergarten Students- Part I [Infographics]

Your child should be able to keep in mind that a school bus is similar to that of a classroom and the role of teacher is fulfilled by school bus drivers. Hence, you should make sure that your child behaves appropriately in a school bus, follows relevant safety rules, and obeys the bus driver.
Your child should know what they are allowed to do and what they are not allowed to do inside the school bus. 

School bus safety rules make your kid orderly and safe. Here's a list of school bus safety rules for kindergarten students, shown in the form of an infographic. 

School Bus Safety for Kindergarten Students part 2 infographic

12 Safety Tips Every Child should Know About


Children like to play, explore and discover new things. It will help them to grow, learn, develop, become skillful and intrepid. As a parent, you always try to protect your children. But it is not possible for you to protect them throughout the day. And hence you can teach them certain safety rules or tips which help them to take care of themselves.

Here are the 12 safety tips you should teach your child for improving child road safety:

Also Read:

5 Must-know Unwritten Road Safety Rules on Indian Roads 

Ways Students Play a Role in Road Safety

1. Teach them about basic contact information

    If you teach your children about basic contact information, then it can be useful for them in times of an emergency. You may wonder about the contents in basic contact information. It can include your child's full name, your name, address, phone number, and location. You should repeatedly tell these details to your children, so that they may never forget about it later.  

2. Advise them not to go anywhere with strangers

    You should make your child aware of the fact that however tight the situation is, they should never approach or accompany a stranger. Also, tell them not to blindly believe a stranger who claims that “Your parent told me to get you”. 
     If you have arranged someone to get your child in times of emergency, tell them,  and if possible show them the picture of that person. Try to send someone whom you trust and you can rely upon like a grandparent, aunt, or a relative. You can create a safety code with your child and when someone shares that code, your child will be able to know it's okay to go with them.

3. Make your child aware about road safety

    Your children might be exposed to road related accidents and injuries, due to the lack of supervision and guidance. It will be better, if you do not allow your child to play near roads.

For ensuring their safety, here follows certain rules you should make your child aware of:

  • Before crossing the road – Look left, right and then left again
  • Cross the road by holding hands of an adult
  • Don't run or play near a road
  • Know about traffic signs and lights
  • Face the traffic if you walk on a road with no sidewalk
  • Try to get out of the vehicle on the pavement side only
  • Use a helmet while riding a bicycle, scooter or skateboard

4. Tell them to stand where they are, if they get lost

    Your children may panic a lot, when they get lost. If such situations occur, then as a parent, you can tell them to stay where they are, and inform the relevant authorities (if it is a school, inform the teacher, friend's parent or principal). And remind them not to wander aimlessly, and create further confusion. 

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Importance of Student Road Safety Education

5.  Warn them not to share personal information online

    Nowadays, even children are addicted to computers and hence, it is vital for you to give them appropriate safety lessons. You can teach your children not to reveal personal details such as phone number, residence details, age, school they attend etc. online. 

6.  Avoid using or carrying dangerous items

    You should advise children to avoid dangerous items such as knives, matchboxes, and other weapons for their safety. When you remove such items from your child's reach, tell them that such things are used by adults only and hence they should avoid it.

7. Teach them about good and bad attitude

    Children should be able to understand the difference between good and bad behaviours. It is your responsibility to teach and help them determine whether someone is behaving to them appropriately or not. Also, you can tell them that if some stranger tries to touch their body, they should immediately call out for help. You should also give certain exceptions such as for a doctor who has to touch them for taking care of injuries.

8. Instruct them not to keep secrets

    Secret keeping is a bad habit for elders as well as young ones. As a responsible parent, it is your duty to make them understand about the side effects of keeping secrets and reduce the fear of telling you about it. You should inculcate a feeling in them, that they can share those secrets freely to you and you will not make any judgements on the basis of it. 

9. Make your child aware of certain important contacts

    Obviously, your child may face difficulties in their school. Make sure that your child knows your contact number as well as the contact number of police (100) for handling emergency situations. This will help ensure safety for your child.

10.   Teach them about the importance of cleanliness

    Most children are unaware about the importance of cleanliness. You can teach it to them, and make them understand the consequences if they do not have proper cleanliness. Tell them to keep themselves and their surroundings clean. 

11.  Tell them to follow their instincts

    You can tell your child to follow their instincts, understand it's importance and thus be safe. Also, tell them not to do any activity that they are unsure or uncertain about, even if you feel isolated from a group.

12.  Make sure that your children can take care of themselves

    It is your responsibility to teach your children about safety and its importance in life. Hence, you can advise them to know about various safety rules and regulations and properly follow it at the right time.

Child road safety is very much important in today's busy world. Hence, it is crucial for you to teach your kid about basic safety rules and the importance of following them. There are certain simple rules you can make your kid learn right from childhood. But make sure that you use language that can be understood by them. Above all, you should make them understand about the fact that the key of safety is in their hands.

Be cautious, Life is precious

CBSE makes Women Attendants Compulsory in School Buses


By altering the laws for schools, CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) has taken a further step to ensure school bus safety for students. As a result of this, a woman attendant is made compulsory in school buses.

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“Female School Bus Attendant Compulsory”, says State Road Transport Authority of Madhya Pradesh

As per the guidelines put forth by the Board, every school bus should make an arrangement for a female attendant to accompany children. This helps to provide student safety throughout the school bus journey.

Joseph Emmanuel, CBSE secretary, has informed to all affiliated schools that it is both the  responsibility of school management and principal to successfully implement the above laws.

Nevertheless, most of the reputed CBSE schools are now ignoring all guidelines of Supreme Court and the CBSE board. The reason for this is that most school bus students are transported  by private bus operators who claim that at the time of any mishaps or accidents, school authorities run from their responsibility, leaving the operators to face the consequences exclusively. Hence, they boycott every school bus safety rules.

It was said by a bus operator that the rules cannot be enforced, as parents may not be able to afford a highly equipped bus. Also, he added that the policy makers only consider major city regions of New Delhi and ignores the small cities in Delhi.


5 Must-know Unwritten Road Safety Rules on Indian Roads


Road safety issues are always a matter of concern. Driving on Indian roads can be challenging both mentally and physically. Therefore understanding the unwritten road safety rules is imperative. According to a recent NDTV report, Government Data shows that every day, 400 people are killed in road accidents in India.

You might be familiar with certain written road safety rules in India, such as the prohibition of using the mobile phone while driving, Wearing a seat belt while driving is a must, speed limit set for all vehicle types, wait at the zebra crossing when people are crossing the road, consequences of driving after drinking and more and more. But there are certain unwritten rules for safe driving in India. Read some of these general driving guidelines.

Also Read: 

11 Essential Road Safety Rules and Tips for Children 

What Parents Can Do To Teach Children About Road Safety

Never stop, assume all others are mad – Guys, I'm not going crazy! This is something real about driving in heavy traffic, especially in developing countries. All experienced drivers will accept this. It is easy, if you just imagine that everyone around you is suffering from a severe mental disease. Imagine that the car driver, who stopped unexpectedly in front of you will take a dangerous U-turn and be ready to face that. Driving will be funny and easy, once you get used to such experiences. Keep moving forward at any cost. Do not stop for any reason whatsoever.

Convert wrong to right with a flash light – To be on the wrong side of the road is of course out of rule. But the action will become right, if you flash the head lamps. Driver needs to give the ‘flasher’ space to move on as he used the ‘flash light’ first. It is other driver’s duty to be alert, not to be fearful and thus avoid any accidents.

Follow traffic signals, not always – Choose to obey traffic signals, only if you are not in a hurry, if you are interested in and if the person in front of you chooses to. On the red signal, it is right stop and then slowly, moves forward in to the meeting point. But the crazy thing is that if you find yourself gone too far into the point, you may continue through and be on your way. Never mind whether there are passengers crossing by.

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Road Safety Rules(India) & Why they are Important

Leave kindness – It is better to avoid being kind at the road. In traffic, though someone will be trying to get in front of you, just avoid eye contact with them and move your vehicle as close as to the car in front of you. If you are going to wait, other cars will get in and thus will upset the eco-balance of the road. However, it is acceptable to stop for children and old people who are crossing the road, if they signal you to stop.

Be aware! Few vehicles are very special – Few larger vehicles, often with the flags of a local political party on their hood are really special. Drivers in such vehicles are master in special techniques, such as installing loud horns that are shocking, holding down these horrible horns at all times, driving ridiculously fast, and cutting others off in traffic. It is highly important for the traffic police to let them pass as fast as possible, or he may have to face consequences.