Principles of Road Safety-III [Infographics]


Road safety is essential for adults as well as children. It is said that in recent years, road has become an unsafe place for people. Punishments given to drivers for offense driving alone cannot make a road safer. We can make roads safer by improving road conditions such as covering up potholes and providing adequate signals if there are any curved or narrow roads.


Attitude of drivers play a vital role in ensuring road safety. Drivers need to be cautious and careful to every rules and regulations of the road. Sometimes drivers are not the only one to be blamed. It would be difficult for drivers to drive safely in unsafe conditions. Proper maintenance of roads is necessary for functioning safely and efficiently. One of the key point in ensuring road safety is observation.


Principles of Road Safety(Part III) [Infographics]


Road safety education begins right at school itself. One of the greatest initiative that can be taken by individuals to safeguard them and others on the road is to carefully follow safety rules and regulations.


It is a known fact that the main victims of accidents are young people under the age of 25. More young people die due to road crashes rather than due to serious diseases like tuberculosis, malaria, HIV/AIDS etc. Drinking and driving is one of the leading reasons for causing accidents. Hence one of the better measure to avoid accidents is daily inspection for drunken driving.


Today, road accidents have become part and parcel of our daily lives. In order to avoid accidents, it is better to follow certain principles of road safety.


Principles of Road Safety – Part I [Infographics]          Principles of Road Safety -Part II [Infographics]

School Bus Safety Facts You Should Know About


Some parents think that driving their kids to school is a safer option than sending them on the school bus. Of course, when you are in the driver’s seat you are in control of the situation, and you might feel that giving your child a chance to ride on a school bus won’t offer you that same assurance.


In fact, school buses are the safest mode for getting children to and from school. However, injuries might happen if children are not careful while getting on and off the bus.


While getting on and off the school bus many children are prone to injuries each year. Issues like irresponsible drivers, horseplay, careless street crossing and even clothing might cause accidents.


Parents can prevent avoidable accidents by reminding children about School Bus Safety rules at the beginning of the academic year.


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20 Must-know Safety Tips for School Bus Drivers


Here are some valuable tips for School Bus Safety.


Students should Follow while Riding a School Bus:

  • Try to reach the bus stop five minutes early. Never run to or from the bus.
  • Make sure to stand at least 10 feet away from the edge of the road. Have patience, when the bus comes. You could wait until the door opens, and the driver says, it’s alright to step onto the bus.

  • Never allow your clothing and drawstrings and bags with straps to get caught in the handrail or door when exiting the bus.

  • Make sure that there are no vehicles on both ways before stepping off the bus.

Students while Crossing Should:

  • Don’t walk behind the bus; always walk in front of the bus.

  • Always walk on the pavement to a point at least 10 big steps ahead of the bus.

  • Make sure the bus driver can see the students, and the students can see the bus driver as well.

  • Cross the road when you get the driver’s signal.

Do not allow elementary students to cross busy streets; provide stops on both sides instead.


Things Children Ought to Know about School Bus Safety:

  • If you are standing closer than 10 feet to the bus, the bus driver as well as others cannot see you. Try to stay out of the danger zone.

  • If something falls close to the bus, tell the driver. Never attempt to pick it up yourself!

  • When you wait for the bus, stay in a safe place far from the road.

  • If you miss the bus, do not run after the bus. The chances of falling under the bus are high owing to this careless action.

  • When you get on or off the bus, look left, right, left before you enter or cross the road. Be watchful of traffic!

  • When you get a signal from the driver that it is safe to cross; make sure to cross in front of the bus.

  • Never distract the driver by playing games like horseplay. Try to sit on your seat quietly.

Check this:

             10 Steps Schools Must Take To Ensure School Bus Transportation Safety


Things Parents Ought to know about School Bus Safety:

  • For highway transportation, school buses are the safest form.

  • Getting on and off the bus is the most risky part of the school bus ride.

  • School bus occupant fatalities are less when compared to pedestrian fatalities.

  • All positions of the bus is not visible to the driver, children are prone to danger in this area. Hence, it is the “Danger zone”. (i.e., Ten feet in front of the bus is not visible to the driver because the driver is sitting too high to see the child. Also, ten feet on each side of the bus as well as the area behind the bus is not visible to the driver. This is driver’s blind spot)

  • The children between 5 and 7 years old are victims to bus related accidents.

Kids are Easy to be Struck because they:

  • Are impatient to get on and off the bus.

  • Have no experience with traffic

  • Think motorists will see them and allow them to cross the road.

  • Do not stay within the sight of the bus drivers.

More Rules on Safety:

  • Keep your hands and feet to yourself.

  • Be polite and respectful to others while riding on the bus.

  • Do not use chewing gum or eat candy while on the bus.

  • Avoid animals on the bus.

  • Avoid glass objects on the bus.

  • Say no to weapons and potentially harmful materials on the bus.

  • Avoid balloons, skateboards and other unsecured items on the bus.

  • Kids should always wear their I.D. tags.

  • Make sure to label clothing, bags, etc. with name, phone number and school.

  • Put all waste in garbage cans.

Principles of Road Safety -Part II [Infographics]

Road safety is a state of mind, accident is an absence of mind


Road safety is necessary for people of all ages. Today, road safety is having great importance as the number of accidents are mounting up day by day. Driver distraction and lack of attention are the leading reasons behind road accidents.


One of the greatest thing to stay safe on road is to control emotions and stress while driving. But many drivers are unable to control their stress. Their emotion can hinder the ability to drive safely on the road. Hence for having a safe journey, it is better not to provoke drivers.


Principles of Road Safety - Part II [Infographics]


Most victims of accidents are youth as they are the ones who love rash driving. Accidents are avoided by being aware of the surroundings. Cell phones, radio and newspapers are some of the main distractions in driving. It is better to avoid using cell phones while driving. Otherwise, it may take the life of an innocent pedestrian or may commit a serious traffic violation.


From crossing the road to driving, everyone should know each rules of the road. Observation is the key point in road safety. Education to road safety begins right from school. Safe roads assure safe return home. By obeying certain safety rules, we are not only safeguarding oneself but also pedestrians on the road.


Principles of Road Safety – Part I [Infographics]          Principles of Road Safety-III [Infographics]

How can Driver Console App help School Transportation


Safety of school transportation is what parents care the most. Some parents are so scared to send their child to school via school bus. Hence, they try to use their own vehicle to assure safety for their children. But the truth is that today's school bus transportation is safer than anything.


With the technological development, school authorities are able to manage school transportation better. Parents, school authorities and drivers can now check out the safety of the children through the apps on their smart phones.


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         Why is the Driver Console App a Necessity for Schools?


As the name suggests Driver Console App is an app designed for drivers. Drivers can enjoy a variety of benefits from this app. Some of its major benefits are:

  • Better Control

Drivers are able to have better control over each bus ride with the help of School bus driver console. It helps the drivers not only to closely observe the activities of students inside the school bus, but also helps them to design the best route for the school bus journey. Also helps them to keep up a good co-ordination with transport managers. They are able to carry out multiple tasks with minimum distraction. Above all, it is a great solution to manage school bus in an effective and efficient way.

  • Planning School Bus Trip or Navigation

Drivers are able to plan each trip using driver console app. They can set route, and decide stops in a single trip in advance. Through the app, drivers are given details about each student picked from a particular stop. Based on the shortest trip shown in the app, driver can plan the routes.

  • Helps to Check Speed of the School Bus

Driver Console App helps the driver to check speed of the school bus in real-time. This app is useful to parents and school authorities also. As it can give alerts when the driver increase or decrease the speed of the school bus unnecessarily. Thus, they can keep a regular watch on school bus drivers. One would get a brief idea about the good and bad habits of school bus drivers. Hence, parents as well as school authorities will be able to recognize any kind of unsafe driving.


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  • Able to get Live Camera Feed

There are multiple cameras installed in the school bus, which gives a continuous live camera feed of students on-board. Drivers are able to view this feed on his console app with the Driver Console App. They are also able to check the school bus without leaving the driver's station. At the same time, it saves time, add convenience and safety.

  • Helps to Update School Bus Attendance

The app helps to update school bus attendance of each student in the bus. With this feature drivers are able to know which all students are missing from the school bus. The latest edition of console app enables to update attendance when the students board the bus. Also, it has details of students boarding from a particular stop. Bus attendance of each student is marked using Radio Frequency Identification.


Apart from these benefits, drivers can interact with the students through this app and thus give them provision to make important announcements. Drivers not only get help with navigation and marking attendance, but also helps to keep up proper discipline within the school bus. Transport managers are able to play audio on the bus to make announcements and play informational audio in the school bus. Introduction of driver console app is a boon to school transportation as it doubles the safety of students.


School Bus Safety Tips for First Time Rider


It is a known fact that riding to school bus is safer than riding in a personal vehicle. Yet there will be some degree of anxiety and fear in the minds of parents. First time riders as well as parents will be equally anxious about school bus transportation. They will face so many difficulties in understanding the norms and rules of school bus transportation. In the case of first time riders, everything will be new for them.


School Bus Safety Tips for First Time Rider


It is obvious that parents worry about their child if they are going to school for the first time. They worry about how their child recognizes the bus number, bus driver and how they interact with others. Once they learn their routine, school bus would offer them an opportunity for growth and independence.

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Principles of Road Safety [Infographics]

There are certain tips to first time riders for carefully handling such situations:

  • Always Try to Stay Calm

It is better for parents to remain calm. If they are nervous, it will naturally reflect on their children as well. Instead, they can tell their child how it is to travel in a bus, and stress the importance of listening to the directions of the bus driver.

  • Attend Orientation Programs

Many schools conduct orientation programs before the start of each academic year. Sometimes parents may accompany their children while they go to school for the first time. These orientation programs may help them to tackle this uneasy situation.

  • Know the Bus Stop and Route

Parents can tell the parents where is the bus stop and try to drive them in the same route the bus takes. This would give them an idea about the routes and where they have to wait for the bus.

  • Parents can Interact with Other Parents

Parents can communicate with other parents whose kids are also getting from the same bus stop. It would be particularly useful when one kid's parents are not able to monitor bus due to some inconvenience. Also, they can take shifts in bus monitoring.

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  • Review Bus Safety Rules and Behavioral Expectations

Parents can review rules that they heard in orientation programme they attended. Some of the rules to be advised for children by the parents are the following:

  1. Be seated, never walk here and there while the bus is moving

  2. Never hoot or shout inside the school bus

  3. Do not throw head or hands outside the school bus window

  4. Report to the bus driver if there is any problem

  5. Be aware of the traffic once they get off the school bus

  6. Walk several feet away from the bus so the driver could see you properly

  7. Always try to cross in front of the school bus

  8. Tell and alert the driver if they are going to pick up something near the bus

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Teach the Basic Principles of Road Safety

  • Teach the Child about Go Home Rules

Teach children to tell the driver that they missed stop they are supposed to get down. Also tell them not to get down the stop unless their parents or designated adult are not at the stop.

  • Take Extra Precaution

Give the child a card which specifies their bus number, name, address, name of the guardian and phone number. Hence the child learns routine easily and quickly.


All the above school bus safety tips can be a great help to both parents as well as first time riders. It is the responsibility of parents to inculcate self confidence in the minds of their children. 

Principles of Road Safety – Part I [Infographics]


Road safety is all about offering security and protection against the unexpected dangers on the road. By following the basic principles of road safety, the number of road accidents and road injuries can be reduced. We see a number of accidents each day due to carelessness of drivers and violation of traffic rules. When it comes to school transportation, road safety is a serious issue.


Children as well as young people should be aware of the major road traffic rules in order to avoid the risk of serious road accidents. Based on the survey, it is found that most of the hospitalization and the cause of death are resulted because of road trauma.


Principles of Road Safety [Infographics]


Some of the leading causes behind road accidents are high speed, drunken driving, use of cell phone while driving, etc. Everyone should try to learn the major road traffic and safety rules right from an early age for performing a safer behavior in their later life. Road safety measures are the tools which save us from paying expensive amount as traffic fines.


Practicing or following simple road safety measures can help us maintain a safe environment. Lets look at a few road safety principles everyone should follow. 


Principles of Road Safety -Part II [Infographics]         Principles of Road Safety-III [Infographics]


School Bus Transportation: Is Bullying a Serious Concern?


School bus bullying is a growing concern to every parents. Knowing the signs of bullying and reacting against it at the right time reduces unnecessary tensions and problems. Otherwise, bullying can negatively impact student's education. It can make them fearful of going to school.


School bus bullying can make a torturous experience to students rather than a fun opportunity for learning. It can be prevented by providing a supportive and positive school environment. School authorities should teach the students that bullying is an unacceptable behavior.


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Safest Means of Transportation


School bus transportation is said to be the safest means of transportation for children. Commonly, school bus is the location for bullying. This could resist parents to keep away their child from such dangers.


Sometimes even school bus drivers ignore such bullying and fail to report to school authorities. This encourages bullies to continue doing their wrong doings. It is the responsibility of adults to take action against such misbehavior and help those students who became victims. It can mentally as well as physically destroy the life of the student.

School authorities ignore bullying as they think it is a silly issue. But they never think about the consequences of bullying. Ignoring such issues can encourage such bullying gangs and the issues related to bullying can increase day by day.


Parents will be afraid of sending their children to school as they are concerned about the school transportation safety of students. But bullying can be prevented by a number of methods. Some of them are as follows:

  • Organize an Anti-Bullying Committee

Organizing an anti-bullying committee can help a lot. Such a committee should consist of a student representative, teacher, and other school authorities. Hence the victims of bullying and witnesses of bullying can easily report to them.

  • Installation of Camera

Camera can be installed in the school bus for closely monitoring the students. It can show who starts fight and who are being bullied at. Drivers can thus get constant updates on the activities of students.


But drivers may not be able to concentrate completely on camera as they may increase the chance of accidents. School authorities and drivers can co-ordinate together to find any kind of misbehaving from students.


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  • Reporting to Authorities

When bullying is reported at the right time, it can be avoided to an extent. Most of the time, students fail to report bullying at the right time. Hence authorities may not be able to take action against the students who misbehave.

  • Avoid Bullies

It is a kind of silently solving the issue. Try to ignore the bullying ones. When they feel they are ignored, they naturally stop bullying. Being polite to a bully can make them think about his or her actions.

  • Conduct Awareness

School authorities can conduct awareness programs regarding bullying and its effects. This can discourage the students who are bullying and they will also be able to understand the aftereffects of bullying. This will help the school authorities to maintain a good environment in school transportation.


Indeed, school bus bullying can cause a devastating effect on students. It can affect a student's mental as well as physical health. Students who are bullied can undergo physical symptoms such as head ache, depression, sleeping deficiency etc.


They may also be afraid to go to school, lose interest in school, have trouble in concentrating and become academically poor. Sometimes even suicidal thoughts can come across the minds of bullying victims. Hence school bus bullying is a serious concern in affecting the safety of school transportation. Parents and teachers have a great role to play in creating a bully free environment inside the school bus.